Indigo Byte Systems
Indigo Byte Systems is a profitable privately-held company. The company was formed by merging two software development companies with many years of success on the software market -, LLC and Cognitive Force Group. The used to specialize in mobile software development, primarily for Palm OS PDA, RIM Blackberry devices, and for Java-enabled mobile phones. On the other hand, Cognitive Force Group focused on desktop application development. As a result of this strategic...
November 12, 2024Product Update
Dr.Explain v6.9 使您能夠有效地插入圖像和表格標題以獲取其它上下文,具有各種樣式和自動編號。創建詳細文件並匯出到 DOCX
June 28, 2024Product Update
Dr.Explain v6.8 添加匯出為 Microsoft Word DOCX 格式的功能,為開發人員和使用者提供了更大的靈活性。Dr.Explain v6.6.1280
October 6, 2023新版本
將大圖像添加到您的文件時自動調整其大小。Dr.Explain v6.6
July 4, 2023新版本
添加對主題內容進行評論的功能。Dr.Explain v6.5
November 15, 2022新版本