Liquid Technologies
Founded in 2001, Liquid Technologies provides an advanced graphical XML Development Environment, containing all the tools needed for designing and developing XML Schemas and applications. This includes a plug-in for seamless integration with Microsoft Visual Studio. The XML Data Binding Code Generator reduces the amount of code needing to be written by up to 90%, greatly simplifying the development cycle. Liquid XML Developer Edition generates strongly typed classes to represent XML and allows...
慶祝與 Liquid Technologies 合作 15 周年
August 19, 2024Publisher Milestone
自 2009 年以來,ComponentSource 和 Liquid Technologies一直合作,為全球開發人員提供資料集成和開發工具。Liquid Technologies 榮獲 ComponentSource 獎項
April 30, 2024Publisher Award
ComponentSource 在 2024 年度的 ComponentSource 獎項中授予 Liquid Technologies 廠家 100 強獎。Liquid Studio v20.6.1
October 12, 2023新版本
添加將 JSON 架構與 XML 架構相互轉換的嚮導。Liquid Studio v20.6
August 15, 2023新版本
縮短了應用程式啟動時間,並添加新的「重命名」選項來重命名 XML 文件中的匹配標記。Liquid Studio XML Editor Edition v20.5.0.12573
July 27, 2023新版本