Liquid XML Data Binder

Liquid XML Data Binder enables you to load XML Documents into a strongly typed object model within your source code. Meaning fewer coding errors, reduced development and testing time, and an increase in schema conformance and coding reliability.

Liquid XML Data Binder Features

XML Data Binder

  • Generate a Strongly Typed library for serializing XML documents.
  • C++, Java, VB6 Code Generation.
  • W3C XSD 1.0, DTD, XDR and WSDL Support.

XML Objects

  • Generate a Strongly Typed library for serializing XML documents.
  • C#, Visual Basic .NET Code Generation.
  • W3C XSD 1.0 and XSD 1.1 Support.
  • Microsoft Visual Studio Integration.


Liquid XML Data Binder v20.5.0.12573
Liquid XML Data Binder v20.5.0.12573
July 27, 2023新版本
Liquid XML Data Binder v20.4.0.12248
Liquid XML Data Binder v20.4.0.12248
May 11, 2023新版本
添加新的 XML Data Binder C++ Runtime for GCC 13.1。
Liquid Studio v20.2.6.12003
Liquid Studio v20.2.6.12003
March 10, 2023新版本
改進了對 JSON 序列化程式中浮點值的支援。
Liquid Studio v20.2.4.11877
Liquid Studio v20.2.4.11877
February 2, 2023新版本
改進了 Find in Files(在檔中查找)工具和 Project Tree(專案樹)性能。
Liquid Studio v20.1.0.11669
Liquid Studio v20.1.0.11669
September 21, 2022新版本
添加從命令列運行 XQuery 和 XSLT 的選項。
Liquid Studio v20.0.6.11591
Liquid Studio v20.0.6.11591
August 4, 2022新版本
改進了 XPath 查詢生成器功能。

價格從: $ 674.67

Installed User License - The software can be installed on a single computer for each Installed User License purchased and only used by a single user。 Concurrent User License - The software can be...

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Liquid Technologies
作為官方授權的代理商,ComponentSource 可為您提供Liquid Technologies的正版授權。
Operating System for Deployment
  • Windows 11
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows 10
  • Windows Server 2012
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 7
  • Windows Server 2008

