Actipro SyntaxEditor for Winforms 2016.1

Improves rendering speed.
6月 16, 2016


  • Improved the rendering speed of span indicator wave lines.
  • Updated the IntelliPrompt member list to scroll a virtual selection to the middle of the list in certain scenarios.
  • Improved Document.GetSubstringAsHtml logic to ensure that tab characters inject enough space characters to properly reach the next tab stop.
  • Added a default ForeColor property to the quick info and parameter info classes.
  • Updated member list description tips to use the designated quick info BackColor and ForeColor.
  • Added support for double-weight wave lines.
  • Made the SyntaxEditor.GetDefaultContextMenu method virtual so it can be customized as needed.
  • Updated C# parser to support C# 5.0 syntax.
  • Improved the VB resolver to support imports of types.
  • Updated the assembly resolver logic to ignore .resources assembly requests.


  • Fixed a bug in the tabify and untabify selected lines logic.
  • Fixed a bug where C# optional parameters didn't always show up correctly in quick info.
  • Fixed a bug where text formatting couldn't programmatically execute on read-only XML documents.
Actipro SyntaxEditor for Winforms

Actipro SyntaxEditor for WinForms

功能豐富的語法突出顯示代碼編輯器控制項, 帶有可選的 Intellisense for C# and VB。


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