Highmaps 6.1.0

添加即時資料網址、圖案填充、行動電話寬幅平滑移動和 SCSS 驅動主題。
4月 26, 2018


  • Live data URLs - New feature allows setting up live charts in a declarative way, using no callbacks or function calls. Not only does it simplify the setup, it also allows a dynamic chart to be created using graphical user interfaces, including Highcharts Cloud, providing that you have the dynamic backend that can serve the updated data set.
  • Pattern fills - The pattern fill feature that was previously possible using a plugin, and is now a featured part of Highcharts, and extended with more functionality. Pattern fills are great for accessible charts and for styling.
  • Mobile native scrolling - This new feature adds a new layer of accessibility by separating the plot area into a separate div that scrolls with the mobile phone’s native speed and smoothness, while the axes and surrounding elements are fixed. The graphs and series disappear below the axes indicating to the user that the content is scrollable.
  • SCSS themes - New set of themes for Styled Mode, showcasing how designers can work with either SCSS or CSS to bring your own design and branding to your charts.
Pattern Fills are now integrated in Highmaps.

Highcharts Maps

將交互式行動優化的圖表和地圖添加到 web 和行動項目。

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