Tile map, circles (Dark Unica theme)

Rich information on click (Sand Signika theme)

Zoom to area by double click (Sand Signika theme)

Lines and points in maps (Sand Signika theme)

Distribution map (Grid Light theme)

Map bubble (Grid Light theme)

Tile map, honeycomb (Grid Light theme)

Tile map, diamonds (Grid Light theme)

Overview (Default theme)

Color axis and data labels (Default theme)

Categorized areas (Default theme)

Data classes and popup (Default theme)

Small US with data labels (Default theme)

Map with overlaid pie charts (Default theme)

Drilldown (Default theme)

Fixed tooltip with HTML (Default theme)

GeoJSON areas (Default theme)

Advanced lat/long (Default theme)

Heat map (Default theme)

Highlighted areas (Dark Unica theme)

Detailed map, US counties (Dark Unica theme)

Multiple data classes (Dark Unica theme)

GeoJSON with rivers and cities (Dark Unica theme)

Map point with lat/long (Dark Unica theme)