Actipro SyntaxEditor for WinForms 2020.1 build 0403
11月 20, 2020
Added syntax highlighting to collapsed region quick info tips created by the CollapsedRegionQuickInfoProvider language service.
Added the CollapsedRegionQuickInfoProvider.IsSyntaxHighlightingEnabled property and added a parameter to the GetContent method.
Added the IPrintSettings.AreCollapsedOutliningNodesAllowed property that can be set to true to allow collapsed outlining nodes in a printer view.
Added the IPrintSettings.AreIndentationGuidesVisible property that can be set to true to allow indentation guides in a printer view.
Added the IPrintSettings.AreSquiggleLinesVisible property that can be set to true to allow squiggle lines in a printer view.
Added the SyntaxEditor.LineNumberMarginMinWidth property that sets the line number margin's minimum width.
Added the SyntaxEditor.IndicatorMarginWidth and SelectionMarginWidth properties that set the associated margin widths.
Added the SyntaxEditor.UseInvertedCaret property that can be set to true to have the caret invert its background, similar to classic code editors.
Improved the sample Markdown syntax language with better syntax highlighting.
Updated the TextExporterFactory.CreateRtf method to initialize the font family and size on the created IRtfTextExporter if they are specified in the Plain Text highlighting style.
Updated line modification marks to have a slightly smaller width.
Updated AutoCaseCorrector to merge its text change into the previous text change, similar to how Microsoft Visual Studio does.
Updated the Shift+MouseWheel input scrolling logic.
Updated the editor to support default font bold/italic settings.
Updated printer views to render indentation guides.
Updated CollectionTagger's indexer to look for matches using value equality instead of reference equality.
Updated SyntaxEditor to remove its views and clear out its document reference when the control is disposed.
Web Languages Add-on
Improved the JSON syntax highlighting with a new classification type and related highlighting style for property names.