GrapeCity Documents for PDF

添加對解析和驗證 PDF 二進位簽名的支援。
9月 27, 2021


  • Added new interface: GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.ISignatureParser which defines properties and methods that allow parsing and validating a PDF binary signature.
  • Added new interface: GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.ISignatureBuilder which defines methods used to build the signature PDF dictionary and the binary signature container.
  • Added new interface: GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.IPkcs7SignatureGenerator which defines properties and methods that are used to sign the attribute set in a PKCS#7 signature.
  • Added new class: GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.Security.OID which represents a cryptographic object identifier. Defines IDs of many popular cryptographic items such as HASH algorithms, encoding algorithms etc.
  • Added new class: GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.Pkcs7SignatureBuilder which implements ISignatureBuilder that can be used to build a PKCS#7 signature.
  • Added new property: TimeStamp.HashAlgorithm which specifies the ID of the hash algorithm used to encode the time-stamp request.
  • Added new property: TimeStamp.HashMethod which specifies the delegate used to hash the time-stamp request.
  • Added new method: Signature.CreateParser() which creates an ISignatureParser object that can be used to parse a binary signature.
  • Added new method: SignatureProperties.CreatePAdES_B_B() which creates a SignatureProperties object and initializes it so that it will create a PAdES B-B signature.
  • Added new method: SignatureProperties.CreatePAdES_B_T() which creates a SignatureProperties object and initializes it so that it will create a PAdES B-T signature.
  • Added new property: SignatureProperties.SignatureBuilder which specifies the ISignatureBuilder object used to build the signature.
GrapeCity Documents for PDF

Document Solutions for PDF

用於 .NET 的功能豐富的 PDF API 庫。


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