Chant GrammarKit 新版本發表
Released: Jun 26, 2024
10 中的更新
- Libraries built with the latest security and platform support for Android 14, macOS Sonoma 14.5, iOS 17.5, and Windows 11.
- Libraries support for the latest Android Java, C++Builder, Visual C++, Java, .NET, Objective-C, and Swift development environments.
- Libraries support for the latest desktop, mobile, and cloud speech SDKs.
- Online product documentation loaded with code snippets, examples, and explanations.
Released: Sep 10, 2023
Chant GrammarKit 中的更新
- Updated code signing certificate issued using the latest industry secured practices.
Released: Mar 27, 2023
9 中的更新
- Updated support for Acapela, Cepstral, CereProc, Dragon NaturallySpeaking, Microsoft Windows Media (WinRT and UWP), Microsoft SAPI5, System.Speech, Microsoft.Speech and Microsoft Speech Platform speech technologies.
- Updated Microsoft .NET assemblies for .NET Frameworks 4.5+, 3.1, 5.0, 6.0 and 7.0.
- Updated Java JAR libraries for JDKs 1.8, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19.
- Updated Microsoft Visual Studio, Embarcadero RAD Studio, JDK (Eclipse, NetBeans, et. al.), Android Studio, and Apple Xcode...
Released: Nov 11, 2022
Chant GrammarKit 中的更新
- Added Microsoft .NET 7 assemblies.
Released: Jul 7, 2022
8 中的更新
- Updated support for Acapela, Apple, Cepstral, CereProc, Google, Microsoft and Nuance speech technologies.
- Updated .NET assemblies for Microsoft .NET Frameworks 4.5+, 3.1, 5.0 and 6.0.
- Updated Java JAR libraries for JDKs 1.8, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18.
- Updated C++, Embarcadero C++Builder, and Embarcadero Delphi libraries.
- Updated Android Java JAR libraries.
- Updated Objective-C and Swift libraries for Apple iOS and Mac.
- Updated Developer Workbench UI for streamlined development and testing...