Chant ProfileKit
ComponentSource 開始代理銷售的日期:2004年
倘若您需要討論您有關Chant ProfileKit的許可要求,請聯絡我們Chant方面的許可專家。
The license is a single end-user license. Each developer who installs and uses the software to develop applications must have their own license.
It is perpetual and gives you the right to construct executable applications that use the applicable class libraries and distribute them with executable applications without royalty obligations to Chant.
In addition, it includes a one-year subscription which provides one year of free upgrades, including bug fixes and new features, and one year of support.
Before your subscription expires, you can purchase a renewal subscription to receive another year of updates and support. If you choose not to renew, you can continue using the last version you are eligible to use.