DevExpress .NET MAUI
多平臺應用程式庫,具有用於 Android 和 iOS 行動開發的高性能 UI 元件。
ComponentSource 開始代理銷售的日期:2001年
DevExpress .NET MAUI includes a Data Grid, Chart, Scheduler, Data Editors, CollectionView, and Tabs components. The .NET MAUI components are written in Objective-C (iOS) and Java/Kotlin (Android). All components integrate seamlessly with the .NET MAUI platform through the use of MAUI 'Handlers'.
.NET MAUI Data Grid
The .NET MAUI Data Grid allows you to display, edit, and shape data on iOS and Android devices with ease. It's fast and ships with a collection of high-impact features designed to address the needs of your most demanding users. Built-in capabilities include:
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