關於 Froala Editor

基於 Web 的 JavaScript/HTML WYSIWYG 文字編輯器。

Froala Editor is a lightweight WYSIWYG HTML editor written in JavaScript that enables rich text editing capabilities for your applications. Simple to use, lots of features don't have to overwhelm the user with hundreds of buttons. The editor's smart toolbar can accommodate over 100 features in a simple interface, it groups all actions by scope into 4 categories providing an intuitive toolbar where every feature is easy to find and the most used ones are easily accessible.

Froala Editor Features
General Information

  • Easy to Integrate - The editor can be integrated in any kind of project in no time. It requires only basic JavaScript and HTML coding knowledge.
  • Popular - The HTML editor is popular among developers and it has plugins for the most popular development Frameworks.
  • Easy to Upgrade - Keep all your customizations separated from the editor folder and upgrading is just a matter of downloading the new version.
  • High-Quality Code - High quality code means LTFCE, in other words: Legible, Testable, Flexible, Compliant and Economical.
  • Unit Tests - You hate testing and want a product that really works, so most of the editor's functionality is covered by unit tests.
  • Inline Editing - Using the inline editor, what you see is actually what you get.
  • Shortcuts - Functionality at your fingertips, shortcuts allow you to activate specific commands by using only the keyboard.
  • Cross Browser - Are you an Apple fan? Or Microsoft? It doesn't matter, the editor will work the same on Safari, Internet Explorer and other browsers.
  • Cross-Platform - A busy day won't stop you from editing your website. Use your tablet or even smartphone for it.


  • Modern Design - Designed a nice modern interface that the users will just love.
  • Retina Ready - Why Retina? More detail, better aesthetics and sharper fonts. Otherwise, millions of users will think your website is ugly.
  • Themes - The editor will fit on any website. Use the default or the dark theme, or create your own theme using the LESS theme file.
  • Intuitive Interface - Froala rich text editor offers complete functionality through a very intuitive interface that users will find natural to use.
  • Popups - Modern all the way. Froala dumps the old and classic popups, adding in new, styled popups for an awesome user experience.
  • SVG icons - The editor uses in-house made SVG icons, scalable vectorial icons that look gorgeous at any size.
  • Custom Style - The WYSIWYG HTML editor is the only one that has a special customizer tool to change the look and feel the way you want.
  • Custom Toolbar - Too many buttons? Perhaps not in the right order? You have full control over the editor's toolbar functionality on each screen size.
  • Custom All The Way - The editor was designed for any user. Everything can be customized or custom made: buttons, dropdowns, popups, icons, shortcuts.
  • Sticky Toolbar - To ease your editing experience the WYSIWYG editor's toolbar will remain at the top of the screen while you scroll down.
  • Toolbar Offset - The rich text editor's toolbar does not have to overlap with the header on your webpage, just set an offset for it.
  • Toolbar At The Bottom - Easily change the WYSIWYG HTML editor toolbar's position from top to bottom, while also using the sticky toolbar or an offset.
  • Full Screen - Dealing with large amounts of content requires a large editing space. The fullscreen button will expand the editing area to the whole webpage space.
  • Full Page - Writing and editing an entire HTML page is also possible. Helpful for emails, but not only, the usage of HTML, HEAD, BODY tags and DOCTYPE declaration is permitted.
  • Iframe - The WYSIWYG HTML editor's content can be isolated from the rest of the page using iframe so there is no style or script conflicts.
  • Document Ready - Provides options for creating online documents.
  • Min and Max Height - The editor's height will automatically adjust between the Min and Max height values to fit the content inside the editable area.
  • Predefined Height - Set a specific height to the WYSIWYG HTML editor using the height option. If the text inside is longer, then the rich text editor will get a vertical scrollbar


  • Fast - Six times faster than the blink of an eye, the rich text editor will initialize in less than 40ms.
  • Lightweight - With its gzipped core of only 50KB, you can bring in an amazing editing experience to your app without losing loading speed.
  • Plugin Based - The modular structure makes the WYSIWYG HTML editor more efficient, easier to understand, extend and maintain.
  • Multiple Editors on a Page - One or ten text editors on the same page? You won't feel a difference, just set them to be initialized on click.
  • HTML 5 - Froala Rich Text Editor is built respecting and taking advantage of the HTML 5 standards.
  • CSS 3 - What better way to improve user experience than using CSS 3? Subtle effects makes the editor even greater.

Optimized for Mobile

  • Android and iOS - Works on both Android and iOS devices.
  • Image Resize - Froala Rich Text Editor is the first WYSIWYG HTML editor with image resize that works even on mobile devices.
  • Video Resize - Resize for videos even when they are playing. And of course it works on mobile too.
  • Responsive Design - The content you are editing will be responsive. The WYSIWYG HTML editor can handle image resize using percentages.
  • Toolbar by Screen Size - For the first time in a rich text editor, the toolbar can be customized for each screen size.


  • Clean HTML - Includes an algorithm that automatically cleans up the HTML output of the rich text editor.
  • Image Alternative - Image alternative is the text shown if the browser can't display the image. It is also text that search engines use, so don't ignore it. Alternative text can be set in the edit image popup.
  • Link Title - Although link title is not known to have major SEO impact, it helps users to navigate easier through your website. Not so important, but good to have. Set the link title in the link popup.


  • Froala WYSIWYG HTML Editor has a strong defense mechanism against XSS attacks. In most cases you won't have to worry at all about this, but it is  still recommend that you do additional checks on your server.


  • Basic Styling - Basic styling, such as bold and italic, is built-in the main code. Perfect when you need a simple WYSIWYG HTML editor.
  • Advanced Styling - More advanced styling options are also available through plugins. You just have to include the ones you need.
  • Class Styling - Customize how the editor's output looks like. Define your own style classes for paragraphs, images, links and table cells.
  • Font - As opposed to most rich text editors, Froala WYSIWYG HTML editor is not using the <font> tag at all.
  • Font Size - Change font size with pixel precision. No more "small", "medium", "large" and nothing between them.
  • Font Family - Give your text some personality using different font family from your custom list of available fonts.
  • Paragraph Format - Use normal paragraphs, write some code or just highlight ideas using headings.
  • Colorful - Give your thoughts some color. Change the text or background color as you wish, selecting from your color palette.
  • Undo & Redo - Don't worry about errors there's always undo and redo.
  • Selection Details - A glance at the editor's toolbar is enough to see your current font family, font size and paragraph format.
  • Line Breaker - The line breaker makes it possible to enter a new line after a table even if it is the last element in the editor.
  • Subscript & Superscript - With subscript and superscript our rich text editor introduces basic math editing capabilities.
  • Track Changes - Track changes against new or deleted text within the editor as well as various styling and formatting changes to the text, images & tables.
  • Markdown Support - Format words & phrases in the rich text editor using code shortcuts through predefined markdown syntax.

Rich Content

  • Advanced Linking - Easily insert web links and email links. Use advanced settings to open them in new tabs or specify a predefined list of links to choose from.
  • Plain Text Paste - Get rid of unwanted styling when pasting from external sources. Tell the Froala Rich Text Editor to always paste data from clipboard as plain text.
  • Paste from Microsoft Office - Users paste a lot from Word and Excel. Froala WYSIWYG HTML Editor cleans all the unnecessary code and makes the HTML just look good.
  • Images - Images are processed 60,000 times faster than text. Drag & drop, browse or paste a URL to insert an image.
  • Image Editing - Drag & drop images to reposition them, click to resize, change their alignment, make them links, replace or delete them.
  • Image Manager - The Image Manager helps you to easily browse through, insert or delete images on your own server.
  • Video URL parsing - Easily insert videos by URL. The rich text editor automatically parses Youtube, Vimeo, Yahoo and Daily Motion video links.
  • Embedded Video Code - Have a different video source? No problem, you can also insert videos by pasting the embedded code into the rich text editor.
  • Video Edit - Resize, change video alignment, remove or preview it directly from the editor's interface without having to leave the page.
  • File Upload - Drag & Drop any file to upload it or use the specially designed popup for handling file upload.
  • Tables - Keep your data organized using tables, with both basic and advanced operations on cells, rows and columns.
  • Table Cell Selection - Froala rich text editor comes with a special table cell selection feature that offers users the same experience in any browser.
  • Table Resize - The table might not necessarily need the whole webpage width and not all columns are the same. Resize them for a neat appearance.
  • Table Editing - The table edit popup offers an easy and intuitive way to edit the entire table, one or multiple cells.
  • TAB Key in Table - Use the TAB key to jump through table cells or insert a new row if TAB is pressed in the last table cell.
  • Emoticons - Express your emotions easier with emoticons rather than words. Very desired by users and possible in the Froala WYSIWYG Editor.
  • Quote - With multiple quote levels, the rich text editor successfully handles different cases where quoting is required.
  • Horizontal Line - Use horizontal rules to separate your edited content and split it into pages when the content is printed.


  • 508 Compliant - The Froala Javascript rich text editor is compliant with Section 508 Accessibility Program.
  • WCAG 2.0 Compliant - The WYSIWYG HTML editor follows the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0.
  • WAI-ARIA Compliant - A beautiful user interface with increased accessibility, thanks to the WAI-ARIA specifications.
  • Tab Key - The WYSIWYG HTML editor does not interfere with the natural Tab key behavior allowing you to easily navigate through pages.
  • Shortcuts - Intuitive shortcuts enable a faster editing experience and you can even forget about your mouse.
  • Keyboard Navigation - You will never be constraint by using a mouse. The WYSIWYG HTML editor is completely keyboard navigable.


  • Powerful API - Froala WYSIWYG HTML editor comes with a powerful javascript API that allows you to easily customize and interact with the editor.
  • Rich Documentation - A powerful API that comes with a complete documentation is what all developers dream to play around with.
  • Autosave - Don't worry about data loss. The rich text editor automatically makes a save request to your server as the user types.
  • Code View - Some users may think they're faster writing HTML. Let them see and edit the HTML code behind their content.
  • Code Mirror - Froala WYSIWYG Editor is offering an enhanced HTML code editing experience thanks to Code Mirror.
  • Enter Control - You may customize the native browser enter behavior and new lines are always created the same way.
  • Ajax Ready - Never leave the page. With built-in AJAX mechanism for saving and uploading files you won't have to refresh the page at all.
  • HTML Entities - Reserved characters in HTML must be replaced with character entities and the entities list used by the editor is customizable.
  • Migration Guides - Froala WYSIWYG HTML Editor is an easy to integrate and easy to use plugin that requires minimal coding knowledge. There are step-by-step guides to explain how to replace your current editor with Froala.
  • Basic Server Integrations - Provides guides and code examples on how to handle image, file, or video upload on 9 different server types.
  • Server SDKs - SDK libraries for 5+ different server types are ready to be included in your projects. Handling uploading, validating and deleting images, files or videos is now easier.
  • Development Frameworks - Froala JavaScript WYSIWYG Editor has plugins for multiple development frameworks to help ease the editor's integration with your application.


  • Custom Icon - By default the editor is using SVG icons specially created to match each action. However, the default icons can be customized and you can also add your own icons.
  • Custom Button - Create your button. Once a command is defined it can be included in any option that is using buttons: toolbar, image popups, link popups, tables popup, or video popup.
  • Custom Quick Insert Button - Create a custom button and add it to the quick insert buttons menu.
  • Custom Dropdown - Create a dropdown with various options and attach it to a button.
  • Custom Popup - Create your own popup, define when it will be shown, when it will be hidden, what buttons it will have, and the popup layout
  • Custom Plugin - Create an advanced functionality and do more complex actions, it is like creating your own editor but with ready functions that will make your task simpler.
  • Custom Shortcut - Of course, you don't have to be restricted to our shortcuts, every person has his own keyboard combination that he usually uses.
  • Custom Font - It is impossible to have included all fonts on the web by default, but you can add your font. keep it aligned with your brand.
  • Custom Theme - The default theme of the WYSIWYG HTML editor can be changed to one that better fits the color palette of your website. You can also create your own theme and customize the rich text editor's interface the way you want.
  • Custom Color Picker - Set up the colors that you or your users used regularly to increase your productivity. There are three options that can be used to customize the color picker.
  • Custom Emoticons - customize emoticons and display what you need only.
  • Custom Paragraph Styles - You can define your own paragraph styles using the paragraphStyles option.
  • Custom Line Height - You can define your own line heights using the lineHeights option.
  • Inline Styles - Add custom style on the selected text inside the WYSIWYG HTML editor.
  • Inline Classes - Add custom class on the selected text inside the WYSIWYG HTML editor.
  • Image Styles - Add custom style on the selected image inside the WYSIWYG HTML editor.
  • Link Styles - Add custom style on the selected link inside the WYSIWYG HTML editor.
  • Image Styles - Add custom style on the selected image inside the WYSIWYG HTML editor.
  • Customize Toolbar - You have full control over the rich text editor's toolbar functionality. Simply customize what buttons are available, their order in the toolbar and also group them the way you want, also the toolbar's buttons can be customized based on the screen size. And you can even control the position of the toolbar at top as normal, at bottom, sticky or has an offset.
  • Different Modes - Froala WYSIWYG HTML editor has different modes to cover all use cases, this lets you have the perfect editor look in your applications without any coding. You just need to choose between Full Page, Document Ready, Full featured, Iframe, Inline, or Edit in Popup modes.


  • Textarea Editor - Textarea is the most popular HTML element to initialize a WYSIWYG editor.
  • Init On Link - It is possible to initialize the WYSIWYG HTML editor only on a link.
  • Init On Button - It is possible to initialize the WYSIWYG HTML editor only on a button.
  • Init On Image - It is possible to initialize the WYSIWYG HTML editor only on an image.
  • Init On Click - Init on click improves the page performance by initializing only the basic code when the page is loaded and the rest of the code when clicking in the editable area. It is highly recommended to use the initOnClick option if you have more rich text editors on the same page.

Content Saving

  • Autosave - To enhance the saving experience, the save plugin has been designed with built-in mechanisms that automatically make HTTP requests from JS to your server which has to handle the requests and save the data. It is up to you to handle these requests on server side and store the data.
  • Save inside FORM - Using forms is the classical way to save data. The data inside the WYSIWYG HTML editor will be sent to the server when the submit button is hit.
  • Save Button - Never leave the page. With a built-in AJAX mechanism for saving the data inside the WYSIWYG HTML editor, you won't have to refresh the page at all.


  • Real-time Editing - Multiple users can work together on docs and see updates character-by-character.
  • Embed rich content using Embed.ly - With over 500 providers, embed.ly is probably the best service when it comes to embedded content. You can embed rich content such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and lots of other publishing platform embeds.
  • TUI Advanced Image Editor - Crop, flip, rotate, add shape, or/and add a filter to your images with a full featured image editor using HTML5 Canvas.
  • Mentions - Type an @ to display the autocomplete list.
  • Spelling and Grammar Checker - WProofreader allows the user to see and correct typos and grammar problems while typing or in a separate dialog mode. All detected misspellings and grammar errors will be instantly underlined. The user just needs to hover on a marked word and select a suggestion for replacement.
  • Math Editor - Edit math equations and chemistry formulas in different technological set-ups.
  • Font Awesome - Inserting icons in your text has never been easier. With the Font Awesome plugin, you can now add any of the FA icons and add a twist to your content.
  • Track Changes - Track changes against new or deleted text within the editor as well as various styling and formatting changes to the text, images & tables.
  • Character Counter - Limited by a number of characters, no worries, Froala WYSIWYG HTML editor will count it for you and will prevent you from exceeding it.
  • Export as PDF - Turn your content into portable file formats with a single click.
  • Quick Insert - Instead of using the toolbar put the buttons, you are using regularly, inside the Quick Insert menu and it will appear when you have focus on an empty line.
  • Predefined Links - No more typing. Define a list of links that are used regularly and the user will be able to select from this list when inserting or editing a link.


  • Languages - Froala WYSIWYG HTML editor is used world wide in various languages. For the moment 34 languages are supported.
  • Spell Check - Disabled by default, it can easily be enabled. Spell check uses the browser spell check and can always come in handy.
  • RTL Support - The editor has full RTL support. Writing in Arabic or Farsi will feel naturally. Even the toolbar changes to give it the perfect feel.
  • Auto Direction - Froala WYSIWYG HTML editor automatically detects if the keyboard input is RTL or LTR and adjusts text direction.