Gantt Time Package ActiveX Edition Licensing

倘若您需要討論您有關Gantt Time Package ActiveX Edition的許可要求,請聯絡我們plexityHide.com方面的許可專家。

Single Developer License: One software license is required per Developer.
Site Wide License: Allows Unlimited Developers at a single physical address.
Source Code License: This is equivalent to a 1 Developer License.

12 months subscription is included with each license, this entitles you to 12 months support and product ugrades. You may renew your subscription for a further 12 months by purchasing the Subscription Renewal License.

For more information please see the licensing file in the Evals and Demos section of this page.
Run-time royalty free.

Academic License: Academic Users only. Not for commercial or for profit use.
Please note that before you can download your order your academic status needs to be verified.
