Infragistics Professional
用於 web、桌面和移動的企業應用開發的單一平臺。
ComponentSource 開始代理銷售的日期:1996年
Includes a Subscription which provides ongoing support, updates, upgrades and new components
1 Developer License with 1 Year Subscription 原廠的產品編號: 92991敝公司的產品編號: CS-512326-1470976 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 1,465.10 | 加入購物車 |
The software is licensed per registered developer and may be installed and used on more than one computer or on a network server, as long as its use is limited to the registered developer for whom a license fee has been paid. The controls are redistributable in object form run-time royalty free, as defined in the License Agreement. After your order has been processed, you will receive an email with instructions on how to access your software. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer License with 1 Year Subscription and Priority Support 原廠的產品編號: 92991P敝公司的產品編號: CS-512326-1470982 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 1,759.10 | 加入購物車 |
The software is licensed per registered developer and may be installed and used on more than one computer or on a network server, as long as its use is limited to the registered developer for whom a license fee has been paid. The controls are redistributable in object form run-time royalty free, as defined in the License Agreement. After your order has been processed, you will receive an email with instructions on how to access your software. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer License with 2 Year Subscription 原廠的產品編號: 92992敝公司的產品編號: CS-512326-1470988 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 2,636.20 | 加入購物車 |
The software is licensed per registered developer and may be installed and used on more than one computer or on a network server, as long as its use is limited to the registered developer for whom a license fee has been paid. The controls are redistributable in object form run-time royalty free, as defined in the License Agreement. After your order has been processed, you will receive an email with instructions on how to access your software. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer License with 2 Year Subscription and Priority Support 原廠的產品編號: 92992P敝公司的產品編號: CS-512326-1470992 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 3,224.20 | 加入購物車 |
The software is licensed per registered developer and may be installed and used on more than one computer or on a network server, as long as its use is limited to the registered developer for whom a license fee has been paid. The controls are redistributable in object form run-time royalty free, as defined in the License Agreement. After your order has been processed, you will receive an email with instructions on how to access your software. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer License with 3 Year Subscription 原廠的產品編號: 92993敝公司的產品編號: CS-512326-1470990 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 3,748.50 | 加入購物車 |
The software is licensed per registered developer and may be installed and used on more than one computer or on a network server, as long as its use is limited to the registered developer for whom a license fee has been paid. The controls are redistributable in object form run-time royalty free, as defined in the License Agreement. After your order has been processed, you will receive an email with instructions on how to access your software. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer License with 3 Year Subscription and Priority Support 原廠的產品編號: 92993P敝公司的產品編號: CS-512326-1470994 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 4,630.50 | 加入購物車 |
The software is licensed per registered developer and may be installed and used on more than one computer or on a network server, as long as its use is limited to the registered developer for whom a license fee has been paid. The controls are redistributable in object form run-time royalty free, as defined in the License Agreement. After your order has been processed, you will receive an email with instructions on how to access your software. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours. 通過電子郵件交付:
The software is licensed per registered developer and may be installed and used on more than one computer or on a network server, as long as its use is limited to the registered developer for whom a license fee has been paid. The controls are redistributable in object form run-time royalty free, as defined in the License Agreement.
The license fee includes a Subscription which entitles you to all updates, new features and new releases, service releases and support for the period shown. To continue receiving these benefits, you must renew your Subscription before it expires.
Standard Support
Applies to customers who have purchased a current subscription. It includes:
Priority Support
Applies to customers who have purchased a current subscription with Priority Support. It includes:
所有 Infragistics 開發人員許可證都是永久性的,並且不過期。 這些許可證還包括一個訂閱,允許您獲取 1 年的產品更新。
您的訂閱到期後,您仍擁有使用該產品的許可,因此您使用 Infragistics 的現有應用程式將繼續運轉。 為了下載和使用產品的進一步更新,您首先需要續訂您的訂閱。
可以 - ComponentSource 可以安排統一您的許可證期限,即使這些許可證最初不是透過我們購買的。 請致電我們或給我們發消息,討論您的需求。
可以 - 購買 Infragistics 產品的最新版本包括獲取同一產品的以前版本。 購買後,您將擁有當前版本的金鑰,並且您需要發送電子郵件到,聯絡 Infragistics 銷售部門,請求獲取您所需版本的金鑰。
可以 - 該軟體是按註冊開發人員許可的,並且可以在一台以上電腦或網路服務器上安裝和使用,只要其使用僅限於許可費已支付的註冊開發人員。。
是 - 所有 Infragistics 開發人員工具均包含原始程式碼。 Indigo.Design 原型產品不包括原始程式碼。
可以 - 倘若註冊人離開公司或不再需要許可證,則可以將許可證從一個開發人員轉移給另一個開發人員。
標準支援提供給所有產品,並包括線上支援和訪問論壇。 保證24 小時內做出第一回應,3 個工作日內獲取後續互動。
所有 Infragistics 產品都必須註冊才能獲取。 註冊在“產品註冊”項下的戶口內線上執行。