InterBase Data Access Components (IBDAC)

InterBase (and FireBird) Data Access Components (IBDAC) is a library of components that provides native connectivity to InterBase and Firebird from Delphi and C++Builder, as well as Lazarus (and Free Pascal) on Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS, and Android. IBDAC-based applications connect to the server directly using the InterBase client. IBDAC is designed to help programmers develop faster and cleaner InterBase database applications.

InterBase Data Access Components (IBDAC) Features

  • Native Connectivity to InterBase - IBDAC-based DB applications are easy to deploy, do not require installation of other data provider layers (such as BDE or ODBC), and that's why they can work faster than the ones based on standard Delphi data connectivity solutions.
  • Wide Coverage of InterBase and Firebird Features - By providing access to the most advanced database functionality, IBDAC allows developers to harness the full capabilities of the...


從 RAD Studio 12 連接到常用資料庫
從 RAD Studio 12 連接到常用資料庫
November 27, 2023Publisher Update
Devart 在其資料訪問元件和 dbExpress 驅動程式產品系列中添加對 Embarcadero RAD Studio 12 Athens 的支援。
InterBase Data Access Components (IBDAC) 8.3.0
InterBase Data Access Components (IBDAC) 8.3.0
March 21, 2023新版本
改進了別名的使用,並添加對 Lazarus 2.2.6 的支援。
InterBase Data Access Components (IBDAC) 8.2.0
InterBase Data Access Components (IBDAC) 8.2.0
September 14, 2022新版本
添加對 EXTENDED TIME(擴展時間)和 TIMESTAMP(帶時區的時間戳記)資料類型的支援。
InterBase Data Access Components (IBDAC) 8.1.1
InterBase Data Access Components (IBDAC) 8.1.1
April 14, 2022新版本
添加對 Embarcadero RAD Studio 11.1 Alexandria 和 macOS Monterey 的支援。
InterBase Data Access Components (IBDAC) 8.0.2
InterBase Data Access Components (IBDAC) 8.0.2
December 14, 2021新版本
添加 CutOffParams 全域變數以及 PoolId 連接選項。
InterBase Data Access Components (IBDAC) 8.0.1
InterBase Data Access Components (IBDAC) 8.0.1
September 15, 2021新版本
添加對 Embarcadero RAD Studio 11 Alexandria 的支援。

價格從: $ 176.35

Single Developer License: install and use the Software on one or more computers, provided it is used by 1 (one) developer for the sole purposes of developing, testing, and deploying applications in...


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Database Server Compatibility
  • InterBase XE3 up to 2020
  • Firebird Versions 5.x, 4.x, 3.x, 2.x, 1.x




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