JetBrains All Products Pack 更新

倘若您需要討論您有關JetBrains All Products Pack的許可要求,請聯絡我們JetBrains方面的許可專家。

我們可以提供JetBrains All Products Pack商業許可證,包括新訂閱、續訂、過期後續訂和額外開發人員許可證。

我們標準價格如下所示: 請登錄以看到你優惠的價格。

合併隱藏全部選項 | 隱藏細節 |

JetBrains All Products Pack - Subscription Renewals

For existing customers, who bought before 31st Dec 2024, renewing a Commercial Annual Subscription

1 User Commercial Annual Subscription (2nd Year)

Includes a 20% continuity discount

原廠的產品編號: C-S.ALL-Y-20C敝公司的產品編號: CS-552638-1480139

授權與交付方式 $ 610.54 加入購物車

As a Licensee you may install and use the product on any number of clients and on any operating system supported by the product, but you may not allow the same Subscription to be used concurrently by more than one (1) User.


After verification, your purchase will be added to your JetBrains Account. Information on how to download, activate the software and assign your licenses will be sent to you via email.

  • The download information, the activation instructions and the License Certificate are delivered on the same business day within a few hours.

1 User Commercial Annual Subscription (3rd Year onwards, continuously renewed)

Includes a 40% continuity discount

原廠的產品編號: C-S.ALL-Y-40C敝公司的產品編號: CS-552638-1480140

授權與交付方式 $ 457.66 加入購物車

As a Licensee you may install and use the product on any number of clients and on any operating system supported by the product, but you may not allow the same Subscription to be used concurrently by more than one (1) User.


After verification, your purchase will be added to your JetBrains Account. Information on how to download, activate the software and assign your licenses will be sent to you via email.

  • The download information, the activation instructions and the License Certificate are delivered on the same business day within a few hours.

1 User Commercial Annual Subscription Renewal for Lapsed Subscriptions



倘若您有多個續訂日期不同的訂閱,希望進行調整,無論您在哪裡購買的,我們都可以提供幫助。 與我們即時聊天,討論您的要求。



購買新JetBrains All Products Pack許可證還允許您使用同一軟體以前的版本。 JetBrains All Products Pack 訂閱向後相容,並可與仍可下載的任何以前的版本一起使用。

JetBrains All Products Pack 授權

Starting from November 2, 2015, JetBrains has introduced a new subscription-based licensing model that has replaced the previous model, allowing you to purchase yearly subscriptions that includes all bug fix updates. The new licensing model also includes perpetual fallback license grants. When purchasing an annual subscription, you will immediately get a perpetual fallback license for the exact version available at the time of your purchase.

Commercial Annual Subscription - for legal entities, including companies and organizations (both for-profit and non-profit), requiring the software for general commercial use. A legal entity may use the software under the Business Subscription on any computer, operating system, and by any developer within a legal entity, provided that the total number of concurrent users never exceeds the number of subscriptions purchased by that legal entity.

Commercial Annual Subscription includes:

  • Free unlimited email access to technical support and online support resources for the period of the Business Subscription
  • Free generally available bug fix upgrades, minor releases and major releases for the licensed JetBrains All Products Pack edition for the period of the Business Subscription
  • Available to any legal entity (companies and organizations, including non-profit and government)
  • The license is owned by the legal entity, not by an individual
  • Non-transferable restriction: Use of the software is restricted to the legal entity with no right to transfer. Companies and organizations can only transfer their licenses between employees and contractors
  • The licensed purpose of use is general commercial usage
  • Multi-user license - the total number of concurrent software users cannot exceed the number of purchased subscriptions
  • The license term is time-limited, based on yearly subscription payments
  • Perpetual fallback license: Your license is NOT perpetual. The new licensing model includes perpetual fallback license grants. Perpetual fallback license is a license that allows you to use a specific version of the software after your Business Subscription expires. The specific version of the software that you can fallback to use when your Business Subscription expires will be the exact version available at the time of your purchase


98.65 KB
9月 1, 2021



JetBrains All Products Pack 適用於永久可回退許可證,它允許您在不具備有效訂閱的情況下使用特定版本的軟體。 許可證還包括所有錯誤修復更新,更具體來說,在 X.Y.Z 版本中,所有 Z 版本都包括在內。



當訂閱過期時,您有權使用您訂閱期開始時可獲得的特定版本軟體。 您不再有權使用訂閱期間發佈的任何最近的更新。


商業(企業)許可證是為機構和商業實體提供的標準許可選項。 許可證由公司購買,並可由該機構內的任何個人使用。

私人(個人)許可證是為自費購買許可證並僅自己使用的個人提供的選項。 私人許可證不從 ComponentSource 獲得,並且不得由公司購買、報銷或以任何方式提供資金。

有關詳細資訊,請參閱JetBrains 訂閱選項


降級可以讓您保持您的折扣連續性,您可從 JetBrains All Products Pack 降級到 JetBrains 任何單一產品,包括 IntelliJ IDEA、RubyMine 和 PhpStorm。


是的,可以購買現有訂閱包的其它商業年度訂閱。 若需瞭解更多資訊,請聯絡我們。


JetBrains 透过電子郵件或 JetBrains 網站提供快速、無限制的支援。 超過 70% 的支援請求一次答覆即可得到解決。

JetBrains All Products Pack是否需要連線/離線啟動?

您可以用 JetBrains 戶口連線輕鬆啟動 JetBrains 軟體。 或者,您也可以使用離線啟動代碼。


購買新JetBrains All Products Pack許可證還允許您使用同一軟體以前的版本。 JetBrains All Products Pack 訂閱向後相容,並可與仍可下載的任何以前的版本一起使用。 2015 年 11 月 2 日及以後發佈的版本可以用 JetBrains 戶口使用者名和密碼或啟動代碼啟動。 2015 年 11 月 2 日之前發佈的版本可以用從 JetBrains Support 獲得的舊許可證金鑰進行啟動。


是。 許可證可以在同一機構內的開發人員之間轉讓。 負責處理許可證的人員可以從其 JetBrains 戶口中分配和吊銷許可證。