Revamped Code Intelligence - Autocomplete is more robust and triggers from any position. The symbol browser focuses on simplicity, and you can quickly filter symbols using the new symbol list - all with overall faster performance.
Print Debugging - Now you can quickly toggle print statements as well as easily create them, simply by clicking the editor margin. Integration - Highlight any word or code snippet and trigger the relevant language docs in from inside Komodo...
ActiveState have rebuilt unit testing from the ground up to support a wider variety of frameworks and facilitate more productivity. You can run tests for major frameworks including PHPUnit (PHP), pytest (Python 2 and 3), Prove (Perl), Mocha (Node.js), RSPec (Ruby) and Go, as well as any frameworks that output in TAP or TeamCity compatible formatting.
New functionality enables you to filter test results, jump to test definitions and place breakpoints directly in your test...