MadCap Flare

MadCap Flare allows you to create, manage and publish content to a variety of formats, including print, online, desktop and mobile. It helps you create technical documentation for online Help, software documentation, policy and procedure manuals, knowledge bases or user guides. The real strength of Flare is that you can maintain your content in one place but generate all of it (or portions of it) in whatever output format works best for you. With native authoring and publishing for right-to-left (RTL) languages, Flare provides you with a true global solution.

Key Features

  • Create Better Documentation at Scale with Intelligent Content Authoring and Publishing - Reduce time spent authoring, maximize content re-use and publish content to multiple outputs with Flare’s advanced authoring capabilities. Ease of use combined with unmatched versatility makes Flare a powerful authoring and publishing engine for documentation teams of any size.
  • Software Solution for Writing and Publishing Timely and Pertinent Documentation, Policy & Procedure Manuals, and...


毫不費力地將 Flare 項目轉換為 PowerPoint
毫不費力地將 Flare 項目轉換為 PowerPoint
October 3, 2024Product Update
MadCap Flare 2024 r2 現在讓您將 Flare 項目轉換為 PowerPoint 投影片,從而減少了製作時間,確保一致、可共用的內容。
May 10, 2024Product Update
MadCap Flare 2024 現在只需按一下即可將您的 Flare 專案直接發佈到 Xyleme Syndicate™,從而節省了時間和精力。
MadCap Software 榮獲 ComponentSource 二個獎項
MadCap Software 榮獲 ComponentSource 二個獎項
April 29, 2024Publisher Award
ComponentSource 授予 MadCap Software 2024 年度廠家 25 強獎和產品 50 強獎。
MadCap Flare 2023 r2
MadCap Flare 2023 r2
October 10, 2023新版本
October 10, 2023Product Update
MadCap Flare 2023 r2 添加一個新的品牌編輯器,可以輕鬆創建一致的品牌並將其應用於您的文件,更改其外觀以符合您公司的品牌指引。
MadCap Flare 2023
MadCap Flare 2023
May 10, 2023新版本

價格從: $ 2,286.34

Timed Subscription License: You are licensed to use the software for the subscription period only。 Floating Timed Subscription License: You are licensed to use the software for the subscription period...

MadCap Flare 也以___提供︰


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MadCap Software
作為官方授權的代理商,ComponentSource 可為您提供MadCap Software的正版授權。
Operating System for Deployment
  • Windows 11/Windows 10, 32 or 64 bit, including all required updates

