關於 MailBee Objects SMTP

允許您的應用程式或 ASP 網頁僅用幾行代碼即可透過 SMTP 協定創建並發送電郵。

MailBee Objects SMTP is an easy to use ActiveX component for creating and sending e-mail messages through SMTP servers. You can compose plain-text and HTML messages with attachments and embedded pictures in any language including UTF-8. Or, you can send e-mails prepared by other programs (for instance, sent e-mail from a file or memory).

MailBee Objects SMTP Features

SMTP Object

  • Supports Office 365, Gmail, and other providers.
  • Can send any Message object to SMTP server.
  • Can send messages to IIS SMTP queue or to MailBee Message Queue or MailBee.NET Queue system instead of direct sending to SMTP server. Using MailBee Message Queue (or its modern replacement MailBee.NET Queue) allows SMTP component to operate very quickly because messages are actually delivered in a background ("fire and forget" delivery).
  • Supports ESMTP authentication, including secure authentication methods (OAuth 2.0, CRAM-MD5, NTLM, GSSAPI/NTLM, GSSAPI/Kerberos, Integrated Windows Authentication).
  • Can relay (blind-forward) messages stored in disk files (RelayMessage method).
  • Supports creating plain-text and HTML messages. For HTML messages HTML Import option is available (it allows to export HTML files with embedded graphics, style-sheets, etc. in one ImportBodyText method call).
  • Provides method to add custom MIME-headers (AddHeader method).
  • Supports unlimited number of attachments.
  • Full and automatic support for Unicode and UTF-8. Supports international headers, attachment names, bodies, etc.
  • Can preserve original formatting of plain-text keeping long lines unwrapped but still providing compatibility with MIME rules (BodyEncoding property).
  • Includes method MakeAltBody to create plain-text version of HTML body if plain-text version is not available.
  • Supports logging SMTP session into the file.
  • Supports event mechanism to track retrieval progress (and abort sending if needed).
  • Executes user-supplied commands.
  • Can determine MX server for the specified e-mail address domain (allows for "direct send" without SMTP relay server).

Message Object

  • Available in all MailBee Objects packages (POP3, IMAP4, SMTP, Objects).
  • Because SMTP object composes messages using Message object, all composing functionality of SMTP object also applies to Message object.
  • Includes collection of a message's attachments.
  • Provides access to custom message headers through GetHeader method.
  • Can display HTML messages saving all necessary files.
  • Can create HTML messages importing all necessary files.
  • International character sets, Unicode, UTF-8, IDN domains fully supported.
  • Can be created explicitly through CreateObject and then saved to disk or sent by SMTP object.
  • Any content can be loaded to RawBody property (such as content of message file or attachment with message inside).
  • RawBody operates symmetrically: when you set Message properties or call Message-affecting methods (such as AddAttachment), RawBody will reflect this changes next time you read it; when you load RawBody with new value, other Message properties such as BodyText are refreshed.
  • No redundant refreshes on RawBody. If you sequentially change some Message properties, RawBody will be updated only when you read it, not after every changing Message properties.
  • E-mail address validation (both e-mail address syntax and domain MX lookup).

Attachment Object

  • Also available in all MailBee Objects packages as a part of Message object.
  • Content of attachment is available directly through Content property. You do not have to save a file to disk first and then read it to get attachment content.
  • SaveFile method allows you to easily save attachment content to disk.
  • Supports international and encoded filenames.
  • IsInline property allows to determine whether attachment is an object related in HTML message body (such as embedded image or CSS file) or not (i.e. attachment was explicitly added by the user).
  • ContentID and ContentType properties are also available.