Ironman Software PowerShell Universal

PowerShell Universal provides an administrator console, management REST API, PowerShell cmdlets and an idempotent configuration system using PowerShell scripts. It enables you to easily manage and delegate access to your automation environment.

Bring your scripts to the masses through a platform built for PowerShell.
With PowerShell Universal you can ensure your system is accessible by exposing your scripts as REST APIs. Host your scripts in a web interface for ad-hoc execution or robust scheduling. Build custom web-based tools to enable your users to handle tasks themselves without elevated credentials or opening support tickets. Enforce role-based access controls and secruity requirements across the entire platform.



針對用於 Powershell 腳本的特定電腦組
針對用於 Powershell 腳本的特定電腦組
November 28, 2023Product Update
PowerShell Universal v4.2 引入了電腦組,使您能夠確定哪些腳本、API 或應用可以在哪些電腦上運行。
Ironman Software PowerShell Universal v4.1
Ironman Software PowerShell Universal v4.1
September 14, 2023新版本
自動化添加對 SQLite 的支援
Ironman Software PowerShell Universal v4.0.2
Ironman Software PowerShell Universal v4.0.2
June 26, 2023新版本
Ironman Software PowerShell Universal v4.0
Ironman Software PowerShell Universal v4.0
June 14, 2023新版本
新的設計器允許您直觀地為您的 PowerShell 腳本應用創建頁面。
Ironman Software PowerShell Universal v3.9
Ironman Software PowerShell Universal v3.9
May 11, 2023新版本
添加在啟用“單向”git 同步時對計畫安排一次性作業的支援。
Ironman Software PowerShell Universal v3.8
Ironman Software PowerShell Universal v3.8
March 15, 2023新版本
現在支援多個 API 文件定義。

價格從: $ 489.99

PowerShell Universal is licensed per server。 What's a server? A server is a single running instance of PowerShell Universal。 What if I have multiple containers? The license applies to each container...


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Product Type
  • Web Application