RAD Server

RAD Server is a turn-key application foundation for rapidly building and deploying service based applications. RAD Server provides automated Delphi and C++ REST/JSON API publishing and management, Enterprise database integration middleware, IoT Edgeware and an array of application services such as User Directory and Authentication services, Push Notifications, Indoor/Outdoor Geolocation and JSON data storage. RAD Server enables developers to quickly build new application back-ends or migrate existing Delphi or C++ client/server business logic to a modern services based architecture that is open, stateless, secure and scalable. RAD Server is easy to develop, deploy and operate making it ideally suited for ISVs and OEMs building re-deployable solutions.

RAD Server Features

  • REST End Point Publishing - An all-in-one turnkey foundation for your application back end APIs and Services.
  • Integration Middleware - Integrations provide out of the box connectivity with external servers, applications and services.
  • Application Services - A collection of ready to use key built-in services to power your application. Includes core functions such as user directory services and user management, push notifications, user location tracking, and built-in data...


RAD Server released
RAD Server released
May 13, 2016特別功能發表
The perfect back-end for Delphi and C++Builder apps.
RAD Server is licensed per user or per site for an application and requires RAD Studio, C++Builder or Delphi 10。1 Berlin or newer。 RAD Server is a back-end platform for ISVs building re-deployable...


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Supported Operating Systems
  • Windows
  • Mac OSX

