Rider 2024.2.3
Released: Aug 30, 2024
2024.2.3 中的更新
- Fixed: Code highlighting for Unreal Engine classes is fully disabled.
- Fixed: New Unreal class header file is created empty with patch engine enabled.
- Fixed: Rider crashing on Windows when stepping during debug.
- Fixed: Error Running 'Android Default' Failed to deploy: there is no package x.x.x in the list of installed packages.
- Fixed: Leaving rider open causes regular hitches across other applications, especially games.
- Fixed: Freezes while typing related to virtual formatting.
- Fixed: Debug doesn't work "This run profile is not supported: class com.jetbrains.rider.run.configurations.exe.ExeDebugProfileState".
- Fixed: Shift+Enter doesn't work for F# with patch engine enabled.
- Fixed: Annoying "Godot log objects/message" live template.
- Fixed: Can run some dotnet commands and not others in AI chat window.
- Fixed: Adjust highlighting of expensive method invocation.
- Fixed: Xamarin publish is broken for iOS.
- Fixed: Extra space is added before the second parameter.
- Fixed: Replacing a 'IOnlineSubsystem::Get()' with no params with 'Online::GetSubsystem()' by quickfix adds an extra comma.
- Fixed: Breakpoints in razor and cshtml files disappear when reopening Blazor WASM project.
- Fixed: Attach debugger doesn't work with Alpine-based Docker images.
- Fixed: Collection visualizer fails if a collection has more than 150 columns.
- Fixed: Backspace deletes character in front of caret with VSCode (macOS) keymap.
- Fixed: Unreal Delegate Usages Support.
- Fixed: Test output stack trace method invocation is not hyperlinked if method has more than one generic parameter.
- Fixed: Unit Testing stacktrace doesn't add links to all lines.
- Fixed: Razor (v3) should not allow for Null-Conditional Operator.
- Fixed: Generate UT with AI: Production class is not present in the message to AI chat and AI somewhy not calling any function to get this code.
- Fixed: Infinite pending state when you try to debug test in newly created session after closing the session before.
- Fixed: Godot plugin backend is not installed from ultimate.
- Fixed: Slow hotkeys actions processing.
- Fixed: Wrong reformat of "@@import url" or "@@page" in .cshtml under <style>.
- Fixed: Fix exceptions on markup bindings from T4.
- Fixed: Copying a huge run configuration causes Rider to be unresponsive for a while.
- Fixed: Import page is empty for VS and VS Code.
- Fixed: Add notification to disable patch engine and CWM.
- Fixed: Platform specific icons disappears.
- Fixed: Collection Visualizers crashes debugger.
- Fixed: Error running Blazor WASM application in debug mode.
- Fixed: Rider is broken after "const" in C# file.
- Fixed: Icons missing for WinForms project.
- Fixed: Cannot create a range marker from range "(22,758 - 23,038)" because it falls outside of the document range "(0 - 22,956)".
- Fixed: Content of <para> tag is no longer visible in XML docs.
- Fixed: Windows terminal window is not bringing into foreground after resume.
- Fixed: Changed behavior of "Do not indent children of" code style setting in EAP7.
- Fixed: FormatPreservingCommandLine doesn't handle inescapableQuote correctly.
- Fixed: AI Chat: Razor code in code snippets disappeared.
- Fixed: Orphaned breakpoint window after stop debugging.
- Fixed: Solution configuration popup works slower.
- Fixed: Prompt library doesn't work.
- Fixed: Build problems with JetBrains.Rider.Native.Core.windows-arm64.Release.
- Fixed: Solution configuration popup closes with "Keep popups open" option disabled.
- Fixed: "Show Configuration on Toolbar" breaks multiselection for solution configuration popup.
- Fixed: Wrong type of project in Xamarin iOS and Android apps.
- Fixed: Navigation bar in Remote Development environment doesn't work.
- Fixed: "Escape text on paste in string literals" JS typing assist does not work in Razor.
- Fixed: Freeze on "Reformat block on typing '}'" JS/CSS typing assist in Razor.
- Fixed: Freeze on "Surround selection on typing quote or brace" JS/CSS typing assist in Razor.
- Fixed: Cannot find Razor block by code behind comment.
- Fixed: Synchronous execution on EDT: [PATH] -a -x -o pid,ppid,state,user,comm, see com.intellij.execution.process.OSProcessHandler#checkEdtAndReadAction() Javadoc for resolutions.
- Fixed: Sync "Toggle render view" shortcut in all keymaps.
- Fixed: [Unreal][Debugging] Stack corruption on ensure(false).
- Fixed: Unresolved symbols in test description when you stop debugging from debug tool window.
- Fixed: Show Usages popup isn't displayed Remote Development environment in case of 1 usage of a type, direct navigation happens instead.
- Fixed: uxml closing tag rename issue using Rider with Unity3d.
- Fixed: Blazor WASM build not picking changes from library project.
- Fixed: Rider 2024.1: "Placeholder-Only" context menu displayed when text selected.
- Fixed: Problem with attach to remote process.
- Fixed: Blazor debug proxy error: no debuggable pages in the browser. Restart the session and wait the until debugger is connected.