SharePoint Document Viewer
直接在您的 SharePoint 流覽器中查看文件。
ComponentSource 開始代理銷售的日期:2009年
SharePoint Document Viewer enables users to view Microsoft Office documents, PDFs, images, web pages, etc. directly within a SharePoint document library without installing additional software or downloading documents on a user’s computer.
Standalone document viewer in SharePoint
SharePoint Document Viewer is a Document Viewer built within SharePoint, so it's not necessary to install a separate document viewer or download documents to your computer.
Support popular file formats
SharePoint Document Viewer supports Microsoft® Office documents (2003/2007/2010/2013), PDFs, images, plain text, web pages, and so on.
Control how you view documents
SharePoint Document Viewer allows the user to zoom in/out, fit a document to page or fit a document to the viewer window, drag pages with the hand tool and jump to any page with a navigation bar
Preview documents using thumbnails
SharePoint Document Viewer permits users to view document pages as thumbnails. One click switching allows for easy navigation.
View PDF bookmarks
By clicking one button on the ribbon, users can view bookmarks in tree-view and easily navigate to any page instantly by selecting the specific bookmark.