SpreadJS 14.2.4

Released: Nov 29, 2021

14.2.4 中的更新


  • Chart logarithmic scale axis could not be removed.
  • A security breach in jszip was found.
  • Removing data series from a chart would change the color of data markers.
  • The table name would display incorrectly after inserting a table column.
  • An exception would be thrown if a blank chart was saved using toJSON.
  • Inserting a copied row would change the height of the remaining rows in the sheet.
  • Importing a specific Microsoft Excel file with a PivotTable would throw an error.
  • The selected cell would be incorrect after pasting data from Excel.
  • Performance Workbook serialization needed performance optimizations.
  • Sunburst charts would import differently than Excel.
  • Keyboard keys could not be used to apply filters.
  • Vertical scrolling would affect horizontal scrolling if scrollByPixel was set to true.
  • Formulas would change after importing an Excel file.
  • Could not import an Excel file with a specific font correctly.
  • A specific calculation result was incorrect.
  • Designer An exception was thrown after clicking a specific cell.
  • A “_x000D_” character string was added to XML files when exporting to Excel.
  • Designer A specific field could not be added to the field list.
  • Conditional formatting would not shift properly when adding a column.
  • When using backspace to enter cell editing, the behavior of arrow keys was different from Excel.
  • Getting the SpreadSettingDialogTemplate would be undefined.
  • Some PivotTables would not sort properly.