Stimulsoft BI Cloud

Stimulsoft BI Cloud includes a complete set of tools for working with reports and dashboards in the cloud. You may run it in any modern Web browser and it does not require installation or integration. You can easily create and combine reports and dashboards in one document.

Stimulsoft BI Cloud Features

  • BI Reports Cloud - Contains everything you need to create reports on any device and any platform.
  • BI Dashboards Cloud - Create dashboards directly in the browser without programming skills and without the need to install applications on a computer.
  • Cloud storage - Create and store all your reports and dashboards in the Stimulsoft Cloud workspace.
  • Teamwork - Create reports and dashboards in a team - invite your colleagues and work together. Share general access to the...


設置與 Snowflake Storage 的資料連接
設置與 Snowflake Storage 的資料連接
January 16, 2024Product Update
Stimulsoft Reports 2024.1.1 添加允許使用者連接 Snowflake 強大的雲存儲的新資料適配器。
Stimulsoft 2023.3.3
Stimulsoft 2023.3.3
August 30, 2023新版本
添加在將報表匯出到 Microsoft Word 時對浮水印的支援。
Stimulsoft 2023.3.2
Stimulsoft 2023.3.2
August 17, 2023新版本
Stimulsoft Ultimate 2023.3.1
Stimulsoft Ultimate 2023.3.1
July 26, 2023新版本
添加智慧指南功能、與 Laravel 的相容性以及用來創建可填寫 PDF 表單的新工具。
Stimulsoft 2023.2.1
Stimulsoft 2023.2.1
March 28, 2023新版本
為 WinForms 應用程式添加新的深色主題,以及改進後的浮水印設計支援。
Stimulsoft 2023.1.1
Stimulsoft 2023.1.1
December 13, 2022新版本
添加新的資料監視器工具以及對 Razor 頁面和 .NET 7 的支援。

價格從: $ 470.40

Single: Yearly Subscription License (In order to continue to use the software after 1 year you need to renew the license), Includes 1 Creator。 A creator has an account on the server, has access from...

Stimulsoft BI Cloud 也以___提供︰


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Cloud Service
  • Cloud App

