關於 Syncfusion Essential Grid for WPF

Add an extensible data-bound grid data control, a cell-oriented grid control and a multi-column grid tree control to your WPF applications.

Syncfusion Essential Grid for WPF includes three grids: an extensible data-bound GridDataControl (sometimes referred to as a DataGrid), a cell-oriented GridControl, and a multi-column GridTreeControl. All three grids are full featured, offer excellent performance (in scrolling and time critical updates).The GridDataControl is a full featured, XAML enabled, data-bound grid that offers support for grouping, multi-column sorting, filtering, and summaries. It also supports the display of hierarchical data, conditional formats, unbound columns and expression columns. The cell-oriented GridControl is an efficient display engine for tabular data that can be customized down to the cell level. It can be used in a virtual manner where the data is provided on demand in real time, or it can be used in manner where the GridControl maintains the data within its own internal structures. GridControl supports frozen rows and columns, Excel-like formulas, covered cells, various cell control types, copy/paste, both row selections and cell-range selections, hidden rows and columns, and virtually an unlimited number of rows and columns.The GridTreeControl is a grid that displays self-referencing lists in a multi-column tree format. The data is loaded on demand so large lists can be quickly displayed. Direct support for a classic tree look is provided, but you also have the ability to easily customize the look of the tree with special glyphs and icons. Exceptional user performance is possible with thousands of nodes expanded or collapsed instantaneously.

Syncfusion Essential Grid for WPF supports all standard grid control features. It also possesses features such as Virtual Mode, Frozen Rows and Columns and Drag-Drop.

  • Easy APIs to add/delete/move rows-columns - Easily add, delete and move rows and columns throughout the grid control using its well-defined APIs.
  • Clipboard Support - Syncfusion Essential Grid for WPF provides clipboard support that allows the users to copy/paste grid cells into text or any format.
  • Frozen Row and Column Footers - Syncfusion Essential Grid for WPF columns can be made to freeze to the left as well as rows at the top of the grid. Row-footers can be specified to be fixed at the bottom of the grid and column footers to be fixed to the right hand side of the grid.
  • Resize Rows and Columns - Mouse controllers are implemented for resizing rows and columns. Implementation of similar features is straight forward and can be accomplished by implementing a mouse controller.
  • Resize to fit Rows and Columns - The grid rows and columns can be resized automatically to fit the content.
  • Hide Row and Columns - Syncfusion Essential Grid for WPF provides support to hide or unhide a range of rows and columns.
  • Keyboard Interface - Syncfusion Essential Grid for WPF provides extensive support for keyboard handling. Arrow keys-move current cell, PageUp/PageDown key-scroll grid by page, F2-activate/deactivate cell, F4+ALT-Drop-Down/Close-UP cell, CTRL + Arrow keys-move to first/last, row/column, SHIFT + Arrow keys-select cell, DELETE key-delete cell, CTRL+X, CTRL+V, CTRL+C, INSERT key and DELETE key support common clipboard operations. All keyboard operations can be customized.
  • Selection Modes - Syncfusion Essential Grid for WPF offers different kinds of selection modes such as RowOnly, ColumnOnly, CellOnly and so on.
  • Drag Drop - Syncfusion Essential Grid for WPF allows you to drag and drop any column around the grid. This drag-drop feature is animation-enabled.
  • Virtual Grid – Syncfusion Essential Grid for WPF supports a virtual mode, which lets you dynamically provide data to the grid through an event. This means that the grid does not store any data in its internal data structures. A virtual grid can display millions of rows as easily as it displays a dozen. The grid also exposes a second event that lets you save changes made through the grid's UI back to the external data source. The underlying architecture that facilitates the virtual support in Syncfusion Essential Grid for WPF allows the grid to quickly manage other functionalities, such as hiding rows or setting row-height for an extremely large number of rows.
  • Print and PrintPreview - Both the grid and the Grid Data control provide built-in support for the Printing and Print Preview dialog. This dialog has options for selecting paper size, zooming in on content, selecting print color, and more.
  • Excel Export - Syncfusion Essential Grid for WPF provides inherent support for converting its content to XLS format.
  • CSV Export - Syncfusion Essential Grid for WPF inherently supports converting content into CSV format.
  • Formula Support - Syncfusion Essential Grid for WPF provides inherent support for including formulas in grid cells alike MS Excel.

Cell Types
Syncfusion Essential Grid for WPF supports several cell types including Mask Edit, Up-Down, Double Edit, Integer Edit, Percent Edit, Date-Time Edit, Combo Box Drop-Down, and Drop-Down Lists. In addition, users can derive additional cell types from Syncfusion classes.

  • Combo Box
  • Currency Edit
  • Data Template
  • Double Edit
  • Integer Edit
  • Mask Edit
  • Percent Edit
  • Rich Text Box
  • Up-Down
  • Date-Time
  • Nested Grid
  • Custom Drop-Down
  • Static
  • Header
  • Text Box
  • Check Box
  • Button
  • Text Block
  • Text-Image

Grid Tree Control
The GridTreeControl is derived from GridControl and displays multi-column tree data. It is populated entirely by handling a single event where the root and child items are provided on demand. This on-demand population allows the control to quickly display selected tree nodes from a large data source without loading all data.

  • Data Binding
  • Multicolumn Sorting
  • Grid Skins
  • Custom Expand/Contract Glyphs
  • Node Images
  • Level Styles

Cell Style Architecture
Property settings for individual cells (and groups of cells) are stored in a style property. The style allows you to set properties such as background, cell value, and cell type for a particular cell. Syncfusion Essential Grid for WPF holds two different style caches that depend upon how the cell style is being used: a Volatile-style cache and a Render-style cache.

  • Cell Style Architecture
  • Base Styles
  • Cell Interior
  • Cell Text
  • Cell Borders
  • Choice List
  • Cell Formats
  • Cell Comments
  • Spanned Backgrounds
  • Covered Cells

Grid Data Control
The GridData control is a derived grid control that handles various types of data sources. The grid can be bound to any IEnumerable source and extends full support for IQueryable sources too. It generates LINQ expressions on all operations and thus easily handles any IQueryable source. It also has an option to automatically generate columns. It supports master-detail nested relations on any kind of collection as well as legacy data tables. The GridDatacontrol provides sorting, filtering, column-row resizing, and dragging funtionalities and lots of customization options to handle the grid in various scenarios.

  • Data Binding
  • AutoGenerate Columns
  • Nested Relations
  • Sorting and Filtering
  • Advanced Filter
  • CollectionView Grouping
  • Summaries
  • Complex Property Binding
  • Grid Skins
  • Grid Designer
  • Stacked Headers
  • Property Settings Through XAML
  • Notify Property Changes
  • Handling High-Frequency Updates
  • Unbound Columns
  • Expression Columns
  • Column Options
  • Data Error Validation
  • Grid Tooltips
  • Localization
  • Autosize Columns
  • Dynamic Keyword Support
  • Serialization Support
  • VS 2010 Designer Support