Telerik JustMock

Telerik JustMock is an easy-to-use mocking tool that will help you compose unit tests faster than ever before, with higher quality. JustMock allows you to easily isolate your testing scenario from hard to configure dependencies like databases, requests to web services or third-party libraries. This results in higher productivity and better code. JustMock can mock everything from interfaces, virtual and abstract methods and properties, sealed classes, non-virtual methods and properties, static classes, methods, and properties, private, protected, or internal classes, methods and properties and even system API like DateTime, File, FileInfo, and so on.

What Is Mocking and Why Do I Need It?
Mocking is a concept in unit testing where real objects are substituted with fake objects that imitate the behavior of the real ones. Mocking is done so that a test can focus on the code being tested and not on the behavior or state of external dependencies.

For example, if you have a data repository class that runs business logic and then saves information to a database, you want your unit test to focus on the business logic and not on preparing, validating...


Telerik 添加對 Microsoft .NET 9 的全部支援
Telerik 添加對 Microsoft .NET 9 的全部支援
November 22, 2024Publisher Update
Telerik 2024 Q4 更新版引入了與 .NET 9 的零日相容性,從而使開發人員能立即訪問最新的增強功能。
May 29, 2024Product Update
Telerik JustMock Q2 2024 引入了對 .NET MAUI 的支援,簡化了 Windows、macOS、Android 和 iOS 的跨平臺單元測試。
Telerik 產品系列的重要變化
Telerik 產品系列的重要變化
December 1, 2023Publisher Update
瞭解從 2023 年 12 月 1 日開始的 Progress Telerik 陣容即將進行的更新。
Telerik 修訂對 .NET 的支援
Telerik 修訂對 .NET 的支援
November 17, 2023Publisher Update
從 2024 年開始,Telerik .NET 產品將專門支援 .NET Framework 4.6.2+ 和 .NET 6.0+。
Telerik JustMock R2 2023
Telerik JustMock R2 2023
June 8, 2023新版本
現在可以與用於 macOS 的流行 .NET 開發環境無縫使用。
Telerik JustMock R1 2023
Telerik JustMock R1 2023
January 20, 2023新版本
Visual Studio 快速操作功能表現在可以在創建通用類比時提供提示。

價格從: $ 489.02

One software license is required per developer。 You may install the product on more than one machine as long as each developer has their own license。 This allows you to install it on your work, home...

Telerik JustMock 也以___提供︰


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作為官方授權的代理商,ComponentSource 可為您提供Telerik的正版授權。
Add-in Type
  • Visual Studio Add-in

