Telerik UI for Blazor

Telerik UI for Blazor will help you cut development time and cost in half. With the Telerik high-performing Grid and 110+ truly native, easy-to-customize UI components, Telerik UI for Blazor has the components you need to cover any app scenario. Telerik UI for Blazor also includes Design Kits for Figma as well as Document Processing Library, Telerik REPL for Blazor, Accessibility and Keyboard Navigation, theming, virtual classroom training, detailed documentation, demos, knowledge bases, world-class support, and more.

Telerik UI for Blazor Key Features:

  • 110+ fully accessible and customizable components.
  • Document Processing Libraries.
  • Design Kits for Figma.
  • Telerik REPL for Blazor.
  • Theme Builder Tool for effortless customization.
  • Microsft Visual Studio & Visual Studio Code Extension Wizards.
  • Intuitive API.
  • World-class Technical Support.
  • Detailed documentation, code samples, demos and knowledge bases.
  • Included source code for components.
  • Free online technical training for active trialists and license users...


輕鬆自訂 Blazor 計畫程式解決方案
輕鬆自訂 Blazor 計畫程式解決方案
December 4, 2024Product Update
Telerik UI for Blazor v7.0.0 改進了計畫程式自訂,允許定制佈局、簡化顯示和使用者友好的事件視圖。
Telerik 添加對 Microsoft .NET 9 的全部支援
Telerik 添加對 Microsoft .NET 9 的全部支援
November 22, 2024Publisher Update
Telerik 2024 Q4 更新版引入了與 .NET 9 的零日相容性,從而使開發人員能立即訪問最新的增強功能。
用多儲存格選擇增強 Blazor 網格應用
用多儲存格選擇增強 Blazor 網格應用
August 22, 2024Product Update
Telerik UI for Blazor v6.1.0 (2024 Q3) 向網格元件添加一項新功能,可在儲存格選擇和導航方面提供更大的靈活性。
將試算表功能添加到您的 Blazor 應用程式
將試算表功能添加到您的 Blazor 應用程式
May 28, 2024Product Update
Telerik UI for Blazor v6.0 (2024 Q2) 添加一個新的試算表元件,讓您輕鬆地將類似 Excel 的功能集成到您的應用中。
February 8, 2024Product Update
Telerik UI for Blazor v5.1.0 (2024 Q1) 添加一個彈出框元件,可按需為使用者提供上下文內容,而不會使 UI 混亂。
Telerik 產品系列的重要變化
Telerik 產品系列的重要變化
December 1, 2023Publisher Update
瞭解從 2023 年 12 月 1 日開始的 Progress Telerik 陣容即將進行的更新。

價格從: $ 979.02

One software license is required per developer。 You may install the product on more than one machine as long as each developer has their own license。 This allows you to install it on your work, home...


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作為官方授權的代理商,ComponentSource 可為您提供Telerik的正版授權。
Component Type
  • Blazor Components

