TX Text Control ActiveX Enterprise/XML

TX Text Control ActiveX Enterprise/XML is a royalty-free, fully programmable rich edit control that offers developers a broad range of word processing features in a reusable component designed for Visual Studio. It provides comprehensive text formatting, powerful mail merge features and all word processing key concepts such as table support, images, headers and footers and page sections. Add comprehensive WYSIWYG word processing to your own applications with in seconds.

TX Text Control ActiveX Features

  • Fully-Featured Document Editor - TX Text Control is a royalty-free, fully programmable rich edit control that offers developers a broad range of word processing features in a reusable component designed for Visual Studio. It provides comprehensive text formatting, powerful mail merge features and all word processing key concepts such as table support, images, headers and footers and page sections.
    • Comprehensive text formatting.
    • Powerful mail merge.
    • Supports all...


TX Text Control ActiveX 32.0
TX Text Control ActiveX 32.0
September 14, 2023新版本
添加操作 Normal(普通)樣式表的功能。
TX Text Control ActiveX 31.0 SP3
TX Text Control ActiveX 31.0 SP3
June 23, 2023新版本
ComponentSource 公佈 Text Control 在日本和韓國簽訂主分發合約。
ComponentSource 公佈 Text Control 在日本和韓國簽訂主分發合約。
June 2, 2023新聞快訊
加強 Text Control 屢獲殊榮的文件處理和報表元件的分發。
TX Text Control ActiveX 31.0 SP2
TX Text Control ActiveX 31.0 SP2
February 23, 2023新版本
TX Text Control ActiveX 31.0 SP1
TX Text Control ActiveX 31.0 SP1
December 19, 2022新版本
TX Text Control ActiveX 31.0
TX Text Control ActiveX 31.0
September 9, 2022新版本
添加插入與 Acrobat Reader 相容的簽名欄位並單獨對欄位進行數位簽章的功能。

價格從: $ 3,330.04

One software license is required per developer。 Run-time royalty free。 1 Year Subscription: Includes all software enhancements (updates and service packs), Direct access to technical support engineers...


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Text Control
作為官方授權的代理商,ComponentSource 可為您提供Text Control的正版授權。
Component Type
  • ActiveX OCX

