TX Text Control .NET improves Find and Replace
Released: Sep 12, 2014
Updates in this release
Updates in X11
- Find and Replace Dialog - The built-in find and replace dialog boxes have been extended with several new features. The search process is no longer limited to the main text, it can be continued in text frames and in headers and footers. The new FindOptions member MatchWholeWord locates only instances of the search text that are whole words.
- Table Programming - The table programming interface of TX Text Control has been improved significantly. The Table.Select method allows the selection of certain parts of a table defined through two table cells. It is now possible to define a start row and column and an end row and column in order to select all cells in between.
- Object Fading in Headers and Footers - Objects including images, barcodes and charts are grayed out if the HeaderFooter object is not activated. If a header or footer is active, the objects in the main text are rendered with a lower opacity.
- Improved Font Settings Dialog - The Font settings dialog of TX Text Control has been improved with Position settings such as Superscript and Subscript and a new, modern dialog layout.
- Content Control Adapter Fields - TX Text Control adds new field adapter classes for RichText, PlainText, Checkbox, Date and Dropdown contant controls.
- Online Reporting Template Designer - The new HTML5-based Web.TextControl component comes with the full set of Mailing features to create report templates. These MS Word compatible templates can be merged with data as part of your ASP.NET Web application.
- Language Detection Engine - In combination with TX Spell .NET 5.0, TX Text Control .NET X11 supports language detection. Language scopes from a given string or complete document for more than 30 languages can be detected. The algorithm supports nested scopes such as bracketed text or bi-directional text in various, mixed languages.
- Save Database Excerpts - Database Excerpt XML files contain table definitions, relations and row excerpts to provide a preview of the report. In TX Text Control X11, those XML excerpts can be created from database connections and used when the designer is deployed to template designers to insert the proper field names, merge blocks and to preview created templates.