TX Text Control .NET for Windows Forms Professional X14 released

Released: Nov 30, 2016

X14 中的更新


  • Windows Forms Ribbon Control - TX Text Control .NET for Windows Forms is shipped with it's own Ribbon control and ready-to-use Ribbon tabs for all typical tasks of TX Text Control.
  • Pre-Configured Ribbon Tabs - TX Text Control X14 comes with pre-configured ribbon tabs for document formatting, inserting objects, page layout settings, reporting and mail merge, page view settings and proofing. Additionally, contextual ribbon tabs are available for frame and table formatting tasks.
  • Data Source Manager - The new Reporting ribbon tab is based on the new public class DataSourceManager that encapsulates the complete handling, logic and ready-to-use dialog boxes for the reporting template creation task.
  • Colored Paragraphs - A complete paragraph and the paragraph frames can now be colored. The dialog boxes and ribbon tabs have been designed to adjust these settings using a flawless user experience.
  • Zoom to Page, Zoom to Text - Zoom to whole page, zoom to text and zoom to page width are new out-of-the-box options when zooming in TX Text Control. The ribbon tab and the modernized status bar can be used to adjust the new zoom options.
  • JSON Data Source Support - JSON data is now supported directly by MailMerge and the new DataSourceManager. The JSON data can contain either a single object or an array of equally structured objects.
  • User-Defined Document Properties - Custom properties can be created to store additional information about the document in the document itself. These properties remain with a document and can be viewed by all MS Word users that open the document. Several property management servers provide data tracking capabilities to search for, sort, and track documents based on document properties. Using TX Text Control X14, custom properties can be set and retrieved using the SaveSettings and LoadSettings parameter in the Load and Save methods.
  • Encrypted PDF Import - Text Control PDF import now supports encrypted files. A PDF may be encrypted, and may optionally be protected by a user password and an owner password. TX Text Control handles encryption internally and provides methods and events to implement a required workflow to acquire the respective passwords from the user, and to restrict access to certain operations, like printing or editing, if the passwords are not specified or do not match.
  • New Database Connection Dialog - The DatabaseConnectionDialog class allows the user to build connection strings and to connect to specific data sources. It can be used to connect the new DataSourceManager to MS SQL databases, ODBC and ADO.NET databases.
  • New InsertMergeBlockDialog - The InsertMergeBlockDialog class allows the user to design and insert a merge block based on the currently selected master table in the new DataSourceManager. It is inserted at the current input position of a given Text Control instance. This new dialog helps you to design your own custom template designer to create templates that are compatible to the MailMerge class.
  • New Mail Merge Events - In order to manipulate the merge process and to inject custom logic, each merge element such as merge fields and merge blocks fire events. These events return the merged field, information about the location of a field and provide access to data that is used to merge the document. In these events, a DataRowAdapter provides access to the DataTableAdapter which gains access to the child table names, column names, the DataTable, the data rows and the table name. Additionally, the new FieldMergedEventArgs property MergeBlockName returns the block name in case the field is embedded in a merge block.