TX Text Control .NET for Windows Forms Professional X17 SP2
Released: Feb 5, 2020
X17 SP2 中的更新
Application fields
- TextFieldPosition.OutsideTextField does not work in specific document.
- The hyperlink dialog strings appear twice in the TextControl.resx file.
- Saving a document causes an 03-1106 error.
- "Replace All" indicates one occurrence too many.
- TXTextControl.TextField.HighlightMode Always does not work in textframes.
- Replacing text in a text frame when mini toolbar is open inserts first character outside of the text frame.
Printing problems
- When printing double-sided, the copies are not separated when collation is activated.
- Frames is used in the German translation instead of Rahmen.
- Labels in Language dialog are inverted when RESX file is translated.
- Samples use obsolete method MergeBlocks().
- Messagebox from the Sidebar is shown behind a Form with TopMost = true.
- Merged table cells are not refreshed correctly.
Text filters
- Documents has table borders in TX Words even though document does not have borders in Microsoft Word.
- HypertextLink target is imported unescaped in RTF.
- DOC import: Document causes 01-1D02 error.
- RTF export: Wrong 'Measure from' value for page frames.
Text Frames
- TextframeMoved event is not fired if a TextFrame has been inserted at a geometrical position on a page.
Web Editor
- PageSize cannot be set through the Javascript API.
- Spell dialog is opened twice.