TX Text Control .NET for Windows Forms Professional 32.0 SP1
Released: Nov 22, 2023
32.0 SP1 中的更新
Text Filters
- Error 1D09 when saving document with table in DOC, DOCX or RTF.
Application Fields
- Empty strings in the Parameters array for ApplicationField are no longer imported.
- Undo does not work with character styles.
- Image cannot be moved as watermark behind the text inside a header.
- Barcode size is not adjusted to the frame size.
Text Filters
- Loading a RTF document created in Wordpad in TX32 32-bit causes 01-242D error.
- Error (01-242D) when loading RTF.
- DOCX file saved by TextControl cannot be loaded in MS Word.
- Empty list item after paragraph in RTF document.
- Less-Than character < is converted to a literal (lt;) when a document is loaded that contains the < character in the parameters array.
- TX: incorrect behavior of export with omitted content for TOC.
- Incorrect behavior of export with omitted content for tracked changes and editable regions.
- Incorrect behavior of export with omitted content for form fields.
Text Formatting
- Tab stops are not set correctly.