Universal Data Access Components (UniDAC) 10.3.2

Released: Jan 20, 2025

10.3.2 中的更新


  • Added the CloneCursor method to the VirtualTable component.
  • Moved the CRFunctions.CRTimeZoneInformation global variable to the interface section.

SQL Server data provider

  • Added the TrustSelfSignedCertificate connection option for the Direct mode.
  • Added the HostNameInCertificate connection option for the prMSOLEDB provider.
  • Added the ServerCertificate connection option for the prMSOLEDB provider.

Access data provider

  • Added support for retrieving the last generated value of an AutoNumber column via the LastInsertId property in Direct mode.


  • Fixed an issue with the SaveToXML method of the TMemDataSet class and its descendants, which occurred when saving UUID fields.
  • Fixed a bug that occurred when calling the RefreshRecord method with FullRefresh set to True.
  • Fixed an issue with processing the Filter property of a dataset that occurred when it included the NOT operation.
  • Fixed an issue with using subfunctions in a filter.
  • Fixed a bug with the UniStoredProc component handling parameters when the UniConnection component contains defined macros (Common).
  • Fixed an issue with migrating from IBX to UniDAC using the Migration Wizard.
  • Fixed an issue in the TVirtualQuery component that caused inaccurate results for aggregate functions when applied to floating-point columns.
  • Fixed an issue with opening TVirtualQuery with a specific FetchRows value.
  • Fixed a bug in the TVirtualQuery component that occurred when executing a query containing an ORDER BY clause.
  • Resolved a memory leak issue in the TVirtualDataSet component that occurred when Filtered was set to True.

Oracle data provider

  • Fixed a bug that caused the last LF to be incorrectly converted to a CRLF line break in CLOB values.
  • Fixed a bug that occurred during DML batch operations when all parameter values were cleared.
  • Fixed an issue with supporting self-signed certificates for the SSL protocol in Direct mode.
  • Fixed an issue with reading UTF-16 surrogate pairs in Lazarus when using Direct mode.

SQL Server data provider

  • Resolved an issue with quoting parameter names.
  • Fixed a bug with processing string fields that occurred when the UTF-8 code page was used.
  • Fixed a bug causing string truncation when using TMSLoader.
  • Fixed a bug with handling special characters in parameter names.
  • Fixed an issue with binding ftFMTBCD parameters by OLE DB providers.
  • Fixed an issue where an "Unspecified error" exception occurred upon connection loss in the prMSOLEDB provider.

MySQL data provider

  • Fixed a bug causing an assertion failure when using the TCRSSHIOHandler component with FetchAll set to False.
  • Fixed an issue with handling stored procedures when SELECT privileges were not granted.

PostgreSQL data provider

  • Fixed a bug with parsing parameters in anonymous blocks.
  • Fixed a bug with parsing dollar-quoted blocks.
  • Fixed an issue with the '.' time separator.
  • Fixed an issue with the AutoCommit behavior that occurred when using Execute for batch operations.
  • Fixed a bug related to the use of multiple schemas.
  • Fixed an issue with ENUM data types in dumps.
  • Fixed an issue with the CHAR data type.
  • Fixed an issue with array data types in dumps.

InterBase data provider

  • Fixed an issue where changes to BLOB fields were not rolled back after canceling modifications to the dataset.
  • Fixed a bug causing a "List index(1) out of bounds" error during the processing of SQL queries with the RETURNING clause.
  • Fixed a bug causing an "Invalid cursor reference. Cursor is not open" error during the processing of SQL queries with the RETURNING clause.
  • Fixed an issue where Rollback was executed incorrectly when AutoCommit was set to False.

MongoDB data provider

  • Fixed an issue with inserting documents with duplicate _id values.
  • Fixed a bug causing an Access Violation error when the database name contained underscores.

Access data provider

  • Resolved an Access Violation error that occurred when data type mapping rules were configured for the Connection component.
  • Fixed a bug causing an Access Violation error when inserting a record into a table with foreign keys.
  • Fixed a bug that occurred when opening a database containing saved queries.
  • Fixed a bug that occurred when updating a table with Long Text columns.

Excel data provider

  • Resolved an issue with reading empty cells formatted with a date style.
  • Fixed a bug that occurred when reading cells with complex text formatting.