Actipro Docking & MDI for WPF 新版本發表
Released: Dec 17, 2024
24.1.4 中的更新
- Added the DockSite.FloatingToolWindowContainerTitleBarDoubleClickMode property that can be set to Dock to allow double-clicks on floating tool window containers to restore them to the primary dock host.
- Updated auto-hide popups to ensure that a solid background color is used, even if the containing dock host has a transparent background.
- Updated AdvancedTabControl to prevent base TabControl logic from processing unhandled Home/End key presses when focus is within a tab's content area.
- Updated...
Released: Sep 10, 2024
24.1.3 中的更新
- Added a Bars Integration sample showing how Ribbon and StandaloneToolBar can be used on a main Window without changing the active docking window when there are floating docking windows.
- Added the DockSite.FloatingWindowOwnerMode property that can be set to Always to force floating windows with MDI to always remain on top of the main window.
- Added UIA peers for scroll and overflow buttons within docking window containers.
- Updated the tabbed MDI open documents menu to include DocumentWindow...
Released: Apr 24, 2024
24.1.2 中的更新
- Fixed an issue where canceling the DockSite.MenuOpening event wouldn't prevent docking window tabs from showing a context menu.
Released: Feb 26, 2024
24.1.1 中的更新
- Updated and added UIA peers for numerous controls to better support accessibility updates in .NET 8.
- API documentation is now based on assemblies that target Microsoft .NET 6 (previously .NET Framework).
- The Sample Browser application included with the installer will now multi-target .NET Framework 4.6.2 and .NET 6.
- Removed official support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 although users should still be able to continue using the IDE for their own applications. Sample Browser requires Visual...
Released: Dec 5, 2023
23.1.4 中的更新
- Improved auto-hide popup container measurement logic.
- Improved logic for tracking the last-focused dock host when dealing with interop controls.
- Updated double-clicks on floating tool window container title bar icons to execute close functionality.
- Updated DockSiteLayoutSerializer.CanKeepExistingDocumentWindowsOpen processing to not keep a document open if the deserialized layout data specifies it to be closed.
- Fixed an issue where rebuilding DockSite containers in certain MVVM scenarios...
Released: Sep 11, 2023
23.1.3 中的更新
- Fixed an issue where auto-hide tabs taps might not always display the related tool window when not using hosted popups.
- Fixed an issue where a non-hosted auto-hide popup might not resize properly when the containing Window is resized.
Released: Apr 19, 2023
23.1.0 中的更新
- Updated Microsoft .NET 5 targets to .NET 6 since .NET 5 is out of support. Users can continue to use Microsoft .NET Core 3.1 targets for .NET 5 applications.
- Updated Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 and 4.6.1 targets to .NET Framework 4.6.2 since it is the most recent supported version of .NET Framework.
- Updated SyntaxEditor-related NuGet packages to properly support cross-platform .NET 6.0.
- Updated all assemblies to be code-signed.
- Improved docking window images to support monochrome vector...
Released: Apr 4, 2023
22.1.5 中的更新
- Validated Microsoft .NET 7 compatibility.
- Updated SyntaxEditor-related NuGet packages to properly support cross-platform Microsoft .NET 5.0.
- Improved tool window-only layout deserialization logic for tool windows that will restore to tabbed MDI.
- Fixed an issue that could occur when deserializing tool window-only layouts.
- Fixed an issue where complex content on a newly-added AdvancedTabControl tab might prevent the tab from scrolling into view properly.
- Fixed an issue where activating a...
Released: Nov 11, 2022
22.1.4 中的更新
- Added support for restricting floating dock host maximum size when appropriate if contained docking windows have ContainerMaxSize set.
- Added a protected virtual DockSite.NotifyWindowDragMove method that is called as the pointer drags any set of docking windows around.
- Improved support for dragging docking windows to nested linked dock sites.
- Updated floating dock hosts that contain a single ToolWindowContainer to use the selected ToolWindow's Title as their title.
- Updated the AdvancedTabItem...
Released: Sep 8, 2022
22.1.3 中的更新
- Added a 'Float All' menu item to tabbed MDI tabs, which floats all docking windows in the container together.
- Improved the target dock host hit-test logic.
- Improved focus tracking related to WebView2 controls.
- Increased the default TabbedMdiHost.MaxTabExtent width, and added remarks to its API documentation.
- Updated tool window-only layout deserializations to not clear lazy-load data for document windows.