Calendar Widgets
Create dynamic calendars with this set of four reusable components.
ComponentSource 開始代理銷售的日期:1996年
Calendar Widgets consists of: Sheridan MonthView - for displaying up to three months at a time for quick selection of multiple dates. Holidays, weekends, and special days can be highlighted; YearView - All the features of month view with the added functionality of displaying a year at a time. Calendar Widgets also includes Sheridan DateCombo - Allows you to specify input and format masks so dates are entered and stored correctly; Sheridan DayView - Allow incorporation of a daily time schedule, with intervals from 5 to 60 minutes. Infragistics Calendar Widgets was formerly called Sheridan Calendar Widgets.
1. MonthView control
With the MonthView control, you can display one to three months at a time for quick and easy selection of dates. And since MonthView can be bound to any database supported by Microsoft Visual Basic data control, the professional application developer can be sure that only valid dates will be stored in the database. Special days, holidays and other events can be made to visually stand out from the rest. Of course, any day or day-of-the-week can be disabled, further enhancing...
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