Data Widgets

Include robust, data-bound components for accessing and displaying data.

ComponentSource 開始代理銷售的日期:1996年

價格從: $ 387.10 版本: 3.13 更新: Sep 3, 1998 4.00 評價的平均星級4.00 評價的平均星級4.00 評價的平均星級4.00 評價的平均星級4.00 評價的平均星級 (7)

Please note that this product is no longer supported by the publisher. As a legacy product it is available for purchase but is no longer eligible for product support or maintenance.

Data Widgets Licensing

倘若您需要討論您有關Data Widgets的許可要求,請聯絡我們Infragistics方面的許可專家。

Developer License Each copy is licensed on a per developer basis. A developer may use the license on multiple CPUs as long as they are not used concurrently nor used by another developer
Run-time royalty free.

Please note that this product is no longer supported by the publisher, so it is no longer eligible for product support or maintenance.
