Highcharts Dashboards
ComponentSource 開始代理銷售的日期:2017年
Get 20% off Highcharts Core and all additional libraries when you buy Highcharts Dashboards. See bundled offers below.
1 Developer Perpetual Internal License + 1 year Advantage For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License. 原廠的產品編號: IP-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552143 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 592.90 | 加入購物車 |
The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee. Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software: A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application. The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License + 1 year Advantage One SaaS or One Web Application. 原廠的產品編號: SP-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552144 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 1,187.76 | 加入購物車 |
The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License + 1 year Advantage 原廠的產品編號: SP-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552145 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 1,187.76 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License + 1 year Advantage Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5). 原廠的產品編號: S+P-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552146 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 2,916.48 | 加入購物車 |
The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License + 1 year Advantage 原廠的產品編號: S+P-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552147 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 2,916.48 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
Please contact us for an OEM quote. 原廠的產品編號: HC-OEM + DASH |
詢問價格 |
1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual Internal License For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License. 原廠的產品編號: HC-ADV (IP-DASH)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552154 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 177.87 | 加入購物車 |
Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License One SaaS or One Web Application. 原廠的產品編號: HC-ADV (SP-DASH)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552155 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 356.33 | 加入購物車 |
Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License 原廠的產品編號: HC-ADV (SP-DASH) (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552156 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 356.33 | 加入購物車 |
Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5). 原廠的產品編號: HC-ADV (S+P-DASH)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552157 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 874.94 | 加入購物車 |
Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License 原廠的產品編號: HC-ADV (S+P-DASH) (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552158 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 874.94 | 加入購物車 |
Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
Please contact us for a quote to renew Advantage for an OEM License. 原廠的產品編號: HC-OEM + DASH |
詢問價格 |
Get 20% off Highcharts Core and all additional libraries when you buy Highcharts Dashboards. See bundled offers below.
1 Developer Annual Internal License For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License. 原廠的產品編號: IA-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552149 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 258.72 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software: A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application. The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual SaaS License One SaaS or One Web Application. 原廠的產品編號: SA-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552150 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 516.46 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS License 原廠的產品編號: SA-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552151 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 516.46 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual SaaS+ License Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5). 原廠的產品編號: S+A-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552152 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 1,268.12 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS+ License 原廠的產品編號: S+A-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552153 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 1,268.12 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual Internal License For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License. 原廠的產品編號: IA-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552160 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 258.72 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software: A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application. The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual SaaS License One SaaS or One Web Application. 原廠的產品編號: SA-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552161 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 516.46 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS License 原廠的產品編號: SA-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552162 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 516.46 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual SaaS+ License Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5). 原廠的產品編號: S+A-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552163 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 1,268.12 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS+ License 原廠的產品編號: S+A-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552164 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 1,268.12 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Perpetual Internal License + 1 year Advantage For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License. 原廠的產品編號: IP-HC + IP-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1551967 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 910.42 | 加入購物車 |
The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee. Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software: A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application. The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License + 1 year Advantage One SaaS or One Web Application. 原廠的產品編號: SP-HC + SP-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1551968 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 1,814.18 | 加入購物車 |
The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License + 1 year Advantage 原廠的產品編號: SP-HC + SP-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1551969 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 1,814.18 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License + 1 year Advantage Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5). 原廠的產品編號: S+P-HC + S+P-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1551970 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 4,482.13 | 加入購物車 |
The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License + 1 year Advantage 原廠的產品編號: S+P-HC + S+P-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1551971 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 4,482.13 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
Please contact us for an OEM quote. 原廠的產品編號: HC-OEM + DASH |
詢問價格 |
1 Developer Perpetual Internal License + 1 year Advantage For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License. 原廠的產品編號: IP-HC-S + IP-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1551973 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 1,227.94 | 加入購物車 |
The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee. Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software: A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application. The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License + 1 year Advantage One SaaS or One Web Application. 原廠的產品編號: SP-HC-S + SP-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1551974 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 2,440.59 | 加入購物車 |
The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License + 1 year Advantage 原廠的產品編號: SP-HC-S + SP-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1551975 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 2,440.59 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License + 1 year Advantage Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5). 原廠的產品編號: S+P-HC-S + S+P-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1551976 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 6,047.78 | 加入購物車 |
The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License + 1 year Advantage 原廠的產品編號: S+P-HC-S + S+P-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1551977 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 6,047.78 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
Please contact us for an OEM quote. 原廠的產品編號: HC-OEM + DASH |
詢問價格 |
1 Developer Perpetual Internal License + 1 year Advantage For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License. 原廠的產品編號: IP-HC-M + IP-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1551979 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 1,021.75 | 加入購物車 |
The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee. Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software: A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application. The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License + 1 year Advantage One SaaS or One Web Application. 原廠的產品編號: SP-HC-M + SP-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1551980 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 2,033.70 | 加入購物車 |
The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License + 1 year Advantage 原廠的產品編號: SP-HC-M + SP-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1551981 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 2,033.70 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License + 1 year Advantage Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5). 原廠的產品編號: S+P-HC-M + S+P-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1551982 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 5,030.14 | 加入購物車 |
The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License + 1 year Advantage 原廠的產品編號: S+P-HC-M + S+P-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1551983 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 5,030.14 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
Please contact us for an OEM quote. 原廠的產品編號: HC-OEM + DASH |
詢問價格 |
1 Developer Perpetual Internal License + 1 year Advantage For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License. 原廠的產品編號: IP-HC-G + IP-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1551985 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 973.92 | 加入購物車 |
The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee. Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software: A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application. The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License + 1 year Advantage One SaaS or One Web Application. 原廠的產品編號: SP-HC-G + SP-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1551986 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 1,939.62 | 加入購物車 |
The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License + 1 year Advantage 原廠的產品編號: SP-HC-G + SP-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1551987 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 1,939.62 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License + 1 year Advantage Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5). 原廠的產品編號: S+P-HC-G + S+P-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1551988 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 4,794.94 | 加入購物車 |
The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License + 1 year Advantage 原廠的產品編號: S+P-HC-G + S+P-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1551989 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 4,794.94 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
Please contact us for an OEM quote. 原廠的產品編號: HC-OEM + DASH |
詢問價格 |
1 Developer Perpetual Internal License + 1 year Advantage For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License. 原廠的產品編號: IP-HC-S-M + IP-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1551991 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 1,339.27 | 加入購物車 |
The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee. Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software: A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application. The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License + 1 year Advantage One SaaS or One Web Application. 原廠的產品編號: SP-HC-S-M + SP-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1551992 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 2,660.11 | 加入購物車 |
The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License + 1 year Advantage 原廠的產品編號: SP-HC-S-M + SP-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1551993 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 2,660.11 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License + 1 year Advantage Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5). 原廠的產品編號: S+P-HC-S-M + S+P-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1551994 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 6,595.79 | 加入購物車 |
The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License + 1 year Advantage 原廠的產品編號: S+P-HC-S-M + S+P-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1551995 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 6,595.79 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
Please contact us for an OEM quote. 原廠的產品編號: HC-OEM + DASH |
詢問價格 |
1 Developer Perpetual Internal License + 1 year Advantage For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License. 原廠的產品編號: IP-HC-S-G + IP-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1551997 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 1,291.44 | 加入購物車 |
The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee. Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software: A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application. The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License + 1 year Advantage One SaaS or One Web Application. 原廠的產品編號: SP-HC-S-G + SP-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1551998 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 2,566.03 | 加入購物車 |
The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License + 1 year Advantage 原廠的產品編號: SP-HC-S-G + SP-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1551999 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 2,566.03 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License + 1 year Advantage Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5). 原廠的產品編號: S+P-HC-S-G + S+P-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552000 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 6,360.59 | 加入購物車 |
The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License + 1 year Advantage 原廠的產品編號: S+P-HC-S-G + S+P-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552001 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 6,360.59 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
Please contact us for an OEM quote. 原廠的產品編號: HC-OEM + DASH |
詢問價格 |
1 Developer Perpetual Internal License + 1 year Advantage For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License. 原廠的產品編號: IP-HC-M-G + IP-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552003 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 1,085.25 | 加入購物車 |
The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee. Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software: A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application. The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License + 1 year Advantage One SaaS or One Web Application. 原廠的產品編號: SP-HC-M-G + SP-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552004 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 2,159.14 | 加入購物車 |
The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License + 1 year Advantage 原廠的產品編號: SP-HC-M-G + SP-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552005 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 2,159.14 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License + 1 year Advantage Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5). 原廠的產品編號: S+P-HC-M-G + S+P-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552006 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 5,342.96 | 加入購物車 |
The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License + 1 year Advantage 原廠的產品編號: S+P-HC-M-G + S+P-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552007 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 5,342.96 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
Please contact us for an OEM quote. 原廠的產品編號: HC-OEM + DASH |
詢問價格 |
1 Developer Perpetual Internal License + 1 year Advantage For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License. 原廠的產品編號: IP-HC-S-M-G + IP-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552009 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 1,402.77 | 加入購物車 |
The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee. Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software: A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application. The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License + 1 year Advantage One SaaS or One Web Application. 原廠的產品編號: SP-HC-S-M-G + SP-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552010 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 2,785.55 | 加入購物車 |
The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License + 1 year Advantage 原廠的產品編號: SP-HC-S-M-G + SP-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552011 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 2,785.55 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License + 1 year Advantage Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5). 原廠的產品編號: S+P-HC-S-M-G + S+P-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552012 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 6,908.61 | 加入購物車 |
The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License + 1 year Advantage 原廠的產品編號: S+P-HC-S-M-G + S+P-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552013 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 6,908.61 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
Please contact us for an OEM quote. 原廠的產品編號: HC-OEM + DASH |
詢問價格 |
1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual Internal License For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License. 原廠的產品編號: HC-ADV (IP-HC) + IP-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552015 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 296.94 | 加入購物車 |
Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License One SaaS or One Web Application. 原廠的產品編號: HC-ADV (SP-HC) + SP-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552016 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 591.23 | 加入購物車 |
Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License 原廠的產品編號: HC-ADV (SP-HC) + SP-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552017 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 591.23 | 加入購物車 |
Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5). 原廠的產品編號: HC-ADV (S+P-HC) + S+P-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552018 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 1,462.06 | 加入購物車 |
Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License 原廠的產品編號: HC-ADV (S+P-HC) + S+P-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552019 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 1,462.06 | 加入購物車 |
Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
Please contact us for a quote to renew Advantage for an OEM License. 原廠的產品編號: HC-OEM + DASH |
詢問價格 |
1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual Internal License For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License. 原廠的產品編號: HC-ADV (IP-HC-S) + IP-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552021 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 416.01 | 加入購物車 |
Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License One SaaS or One Web Application. 原廠的產品編號: HC-ADV (SP-HC-S) + SP-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552022 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 826.14 | 加入購物車 |
Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License 原廠的產品編號: HC-ADV (SP-HC-S) + SP-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552023 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 826.14 | 加入購物車 |
Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5). 原廠的產品編號: HC-ADV (S+P-HC-S) + S+P-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552024 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 2,049.18 | 加入購物車 |
Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License 原廠的產品編號: HC-ADV (S+P-HC-S) + S+P-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552025 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 2,049.18 | 加入購物車 |
Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
Please contact us for a quote to renew Advantage for an OEM License. 原廠的產品編號: HC-OEM + DASH |
詢問價格 |
1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual Internal License For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License. 原廠的產品編號: HC-ADV (IP-HC-M) + IP-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552027 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 338.69 | 加入購物車 |
Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License One SaaS or One Web Application. 原廠的產品編號: HC-ADV (SP-HC-M) + SP-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552028 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 673.55 | 加入購物車 |
Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License 原廠的產品編號: HC-ADV (SP-HC-M) + SP-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552029 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 673.55 | 加入購物車 |
Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5). 原廠的產品編號: HC-ADV (S+P-HC-M) + S+P-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552030 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 1,667.57 | 加入購物車 |
Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License 原廠的產品編號: HC-ADV (S+P-HC-M) + S+P-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552031 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 1,667.57 | 加入購物車 |
Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
Please contact us for a quote to renew Advantage for an OEM License. 原廠的產品編號: HC-OEM + DASH |
詢問價格 |
1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual Internal License For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License. 原廠的產品編號: HC-ADV (IP-HC-G) + IP-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552033 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 320.75 | 加入購物車 |
Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License One SaaS or One Web Application. 原廠的產品編號: HC-ADV (SP-HC-G) + SP-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552034 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 638.27 | 加入購物車 |
Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License 原廠的產品編號: HC-ADV (SP-HC-G) + SP-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552035 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 638.27 | 加入購物車 |
Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5). 原廠的產品編號: HC-ADV (S+P-HC-G) + S+P-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552036 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 1,579.37 | 加入購物車 |
Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License 原廠的產品編號: HC-ADV (S+P-HC-G) + S+P-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552037 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 1,579.37 | 加入購物車 |
Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
Please contact us for a quote to renew Advantage for an OEM License. 原廠的產品編號: HC-OEM + DASH |
詢問價格 |
1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual Internal License For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License. 原廠的產品編號: HC-ADV (IP-HC-S-M) + IP-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552039 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 457.76 | 加入購物車 |
Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License One SaaS or One Web Application. 原廠的產品編號: HC-ADV (SP-HC-S-M) + SP-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552040 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 908.46 | 加入購物車 |
Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License 原廠的產品編號: HC-ADV (SP-HC-S-M) + SP-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552041 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 908.46 | 加入購物車 |
Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5). 原廠的產品編號: HC-ADV (S+P-HC-S-M) + S+P-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552042 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 2,254.69 | 加入購物車 |
Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License 原廠的產品編號: HC-ADV (S+P-HC-S-M) + S+P-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552043 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 2,254.69 | 加入購物車 |
Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
Please contact us for a quote to renew Advantage for an OEM License. 原廠的產品編號: HC-OEM + DASH |
詢問價格 |
1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual Internal License For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License. 原廠的產品編號: HC-ADV (IP-HC-S-G) + IP-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552045 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 439.82 | 加入購物車 |
Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License One SaaS or One Web Application. 原廠的產品編號: HC-ADV (SP-HC-S-G) + SP-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552046 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 873.18 | 加入購物車 |
Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License 原廠的產品編號: HC-ADV (SP-HC-S-G) + SP-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552047 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 873.18 | 加入購物車 |
Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5). 原廠的產品編號: HC-ADV (S+P-HC-S-G) + S+P-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552048 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 2,166.49 | 加入購物車 |
Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License 原廠的產品編號: HC-ADV (S+P-HC-S-G) + S+P-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552049 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 2,166.49 | 加入購物車 |
Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
Please contact us for a quote to renew Advantage for an OEM License. 原廠的產品編號: HC-OEM + DASH |
詢問價格 |
1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual Internal License For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License. 原廠的產品編號: HC-ADV (IP-HC-M-G) + IP-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552051 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 362.50 | 加入購物車 |
Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License One SaaS or One Web Application. 原廠的產品編號: HC-ADV (SP-HC-M-G) + SP-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552052 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 720.59 | 加入購物車 |
Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License 原廠的產品編號: HC-ADV (SP-HC-M-G) + SP-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552053 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 720.59 | 加入購物車 |
Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5). 原廠的產品編號: HC-ADV (S+P-HC-M-G) + S+P-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552054 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 1,784.87 | 加入購物車 |
Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License 原廠的產品編號: HC-ADV (S+P-HC-M-G) + S+P-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552055 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 1,784.87 | 加入購物車 |
Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
Please contact us for a quote to renew Advantage for an OEM License. 原廠的產品編號: HC-OEM + DASH |
詢問價格 |
1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual Internal License For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License. 原廠的產品編號: HC-ADV (IP-HC-S-M-G) + IP-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552057 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 481.57 | 加入購物車 |
Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License One SaaS or One Web Application. 原廠的產品編號: HC-ADV (SP-HC-S-M-G) + SP-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552058 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 955.50 | 加入購物車 |
Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License 原廠的產品編號: HC-ADV (SP-HC-S-M-G) + SP-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552059 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 955.50 | 加入購物車 |
Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5). 原廠的產品編號: HC-ADV (S+P-HC-S-M-G) + S+P-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552060 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 2,371.99 | 加入購物車 |
Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License 原廠的產品編號: HC-ADV (S+P-HC-S-M-G) + S+P-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552061 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 2,371.99 | 加入購物車 |
Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
Please contact us for a quote to renew Advantage for an OEM License. 原廠的產品編號: HC-OEM + DASH |
詢問價格 |
1 Developer Annual Internal License For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License. 原廠的產品編號: IA-HC + IA-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552063 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 396.70 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software: A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application. The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual SaaS License One SaaS or One Web Application. 原廠的產品編號: SA-HC + SA-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552064 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 790.08 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS License 原廠的產品編號: SA-HC + SA-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552065 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 790.08 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual SaaS+ License Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5). 原廠的產品編號: S+A-HC + S+A-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552066 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 1,948.63 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS+ License 原廠的產品編號: S+A-HC + S+A-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552067 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 1,948.63 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual Internal License For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License. 原廠的產品編號: IA-HC-S + IA-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552068 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 534.69 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software: A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application. The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual SaaS License One SaaS or One Web Application. 原廠的產品編號: SA-HC-S + SA-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552069 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 1,063.69 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS License 原廠的產品編號: SA-HC-S + SA-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552070 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 1,063.69 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual SaaS+ License Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5). 原廠的產品編號: S+A-HC-S + S+A-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552071 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 2,629.14 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS+ License 原廠的產品編號: S+A-HC-S + S+A-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552072 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 2,629.14 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual Internal License For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License. 原廠的產品編號: IA-HC-M + IA-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552073 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 445.31 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software: A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application. The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual SaaS License One SaaS or One Web Application. 原廠的產品編號: SA-HC-M + SA-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552074 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 885.72 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS License 原廠的產品編號: SA-HC-M + SA-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552075 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 885.72 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual SaaS+ License Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5). 原廠的產品編號: S+A-HC-M + S+A-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552076 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 2,186.97 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS+ License 原廠的產品編號: S+A-HC-M + S+A-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552077 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 2,186.97 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual Internal License For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License. 原廠的產品編號: IA-HC-G + IA-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552078 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 424.14 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software: A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application. The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual SaaS License One SaaS or One Web Application. 原廠的產品編號: SA-HC-G + SA-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552079 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 844.96 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS License 原廠的產品編號: SA-HC-G + SA-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552080 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 844.96 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual SaaS+ License Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5). 原廠的產品編號: S+A-HC-G + S+A-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552081 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 2,085.05 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS+ License 原廠的產品編號: S+A-HC-G + S+A-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552082 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 2,085.05 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual Internal License For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License. 原廠的產品編號: IA-HC-S-M + IA-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552083 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 583.30 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software: A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application. The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual SaaS License One SaaS or One Web Application. 原廠的產品編號: SA-HC-S-M + SA-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552084 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 1,159.34 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS License 原廠的產品編號: SA-HC-S-M + SA-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552085 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 1,159.34 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual SaaS+ License Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5). 原廠的產品編號: S+A-HC-S-M + S+A-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552086 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 2,867.48 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS+ License 原廠的產品編號: S+A-HC-S-M + S+A-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552087 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 2,867.48 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual Internal License For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License. 原廠的產品編號: IA-HC-S-G + IA-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552088 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 562.13 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software: A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application. The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual SaaS License One SaaS or One Web Application. 原廠的產品編號: SA-HC-S-G + SA-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552089 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 1,118.57 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS License 原廠的產品編號: SA-HC-S-G + SA-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552090 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 1,118.57 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual SaaS+ License Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5). 原廠的產品編號: S+A-HC-S-G + S+A-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552091 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 2,765.56 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS+ License 原廠的產品編號: S+A-HC-S-G + S+A-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552092 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 2,765.56 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual Internal License For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License. 原廠的產品編號: IA-HC-M-G + IA-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552093 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 472.75 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software: A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application. The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual SaaS License One SaaS or One Web Application. 原廠的產品編號: SA-HC-M-G + SA-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552094 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 940.60 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS License 原廠的產品編號: SA-HC-M-G + SA-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552095 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 940.60 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual SaaS+ License Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5). 原廠的產品編號: S+A-HC-M-G + S+A-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552096 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 2,323.38 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS+ License 原廠的產品編號: S+A-HC-M-G + S+A-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552097 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 2,323.38 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual Internal License For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License. 原廠的產品編號: IA-HC-S-M-G + IA-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552098 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 610.74 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software: A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application. The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual SaaS License One SaaS or One Web Application. 原廠的產品編號: SA-HC-S-M-G + SA-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552099 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 1,214.22 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS License 原廠的產品編號: SA-HC-S-M-G + SA-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552100 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 1,214.22 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual SaaS+ License Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5). 原廠的產品編號: S+A-HC-S-M-G + S+A-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552101 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 3,003.90 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS+ License 原廠的產品編號: S+A-HC-S-M-G + S+A-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552102 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 3,003.90 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual Internal License For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License. 原廠的產品編號: IA-HC + IA-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552103 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 396.70 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software: A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application. The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual SaaS License One SaaS or One Web Application. 原廠的產品編號: SA-HC + SA-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552104 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 790.08 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS License 原廠的產品編號: SA-HC + SA-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552105 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 790.08 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual SaaS+ License Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5). 原廠的產品編號: S+A-HC + S+A-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552106 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 1,948.63 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS+ License 原廠的產品編號: S+A-HC + S+A-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552107 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 1,948.63 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual Internal License For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License. 原廠的產品編號: IA-HC-S + IA-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552108 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 534.69 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software: A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application. The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual SaaS License One SaaS or One Web Application. 原廠的產品編號: SA-HC-S + SA-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552109 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 1,063.69 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS License 原廠的產品編號: SA-HC-S + SA-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552110 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 1,063.69 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual SaaS+ License Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5). 原廠的產品編號: S+A-HC-S + S+A-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552111 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 2,629.14 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS+ License 原廠的產品編號: S+A-HC-S + S+A-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552112 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 2,629.14 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual Internal License For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License. 原廠的產品編號: IA-HC-M + IA-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552113 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 445.31 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software: A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application. The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual SaaS License One SaaS or One Web Application. 原廠的產品編號: SA-HC-M + SA-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552114 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 885.72 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS License 原廠的產品編號: SA-HC-M + SA-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552115 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 885.72 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual SaaS+ License Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5). 原廠的產品編號: S+A-HC-M + S+A-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552116 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 2,186.97 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS+ License 原廠的產品編號: S+A-HC-M + S+A-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552117 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 2,186.97 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual Internal License For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License. 原廠的產品編號: IA-HC-G + IA-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552118 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 424.14 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software: A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application. The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual SaaS License One SaaS or One Web Application. 原廠的產品編號: SA-HC-G + SA-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552119 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 844.96 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS License 原廠的產品編號: SA-HC-G + SA-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552120 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 844.96 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual SaaS+ License Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5). 原廠的產品編號: S+A-HC-G + S+A-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552121 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 2,085.05 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS+ License 原廠的產品編號: S+A-HC-G + S+A-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552122 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 2,085.05 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual Internal License For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License. 原廠的產品編號: IA-HC-S-M + IA-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552123 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 583.30 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software: A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application. The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual SaaS License One SaaS or One Web Application. 原廠的產品編號: SA-HC-S-M + SA-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552124 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 1,159.34 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS License 原廠的產品編號: SA-HC-S-M + SA-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552125 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 1,159.34 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual SaaS+ License Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5). 原廠的產品編號: S+A-HC-S-M + S+A-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552126 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 2,867.48 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS+ License 原廠的產品編號: S+A-HC-S-M + S+A-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552127 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 2,867.48 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual Internal License For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License. 原廠的產品編號: IA-HC-S-G + IA-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552128 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 562.13 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software: A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application. The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual SaaS License One SaaS or One Web Application. 原廠的產品編號: SA-HC-S-G + SA-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552129 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 1,118.57 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS License 原廠的產品編號: SA-HC-S-G + SA-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552130 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 1,118.57 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual SaaS+ License Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5). 原廠的產品編號: S+A-HC-S-G + S+A-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552131 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 2,765.56 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS+ License 原廠的產品編號: S+A-HC-S-G + S+A-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552132 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 2,765.56 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual Internal License For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License. 原廠的產品編號: IA-HC-M-G + IA-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552133 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 472.75 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software: A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application. The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual SaaS License One SaaS or One Web Application. 原廠的產品編號: SA-HC-M-G + SA-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552134 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 940.60 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS License 原廠的產品編號: SA-HC-M-G + SA-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552135 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 940.60 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual SaaS+ License Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5). 原廠的產品編號: S+A-HC-M-G + S+A-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552136 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 2,323.38 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS+ License 原廠的產品編號: S+A-HC-M-G + S+A-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552137 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 2,323.38 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual Internal License For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License. 原廠的產品編號: IA-HC-S-M-G + IA-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552138 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 610.74 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software: A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application. The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual SaaS License One SaaS or One Web Application. 原廠的產品編號: SA-HC-S-M-G + SA-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552139 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 1,214.22 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS License 原廠的產品編號: SA-HC-S-M-G + SA-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552140 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 1,214.22 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either: Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License. Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Developer Annual SaaS+ License Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5). 原廠的產品編號: S+A-HC-S-M-G + S+A-DASH敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552141 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 3,003.90 | 加入購物車 |
The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS+ License 原廠的產品編號: S+A-HC-S-M-G + S+A-DASH (DEV)敝公司的產品編號: CS-558060-1552142 |
授權與交付方式 | $ 3,003.90 | 加入購物車 |
This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license. Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either: Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer. For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement. 您所購買的產品將會在我們確認您是否符合購買條件之後交付給您。 After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you. 通過電子郵件交付:
One software license is required per developer. Any and all developers working with the software will need a license.
Highcharts Dashboards allows developers to enable the "Edit Mode" allowing end users to modify dashboards. These end users are not considered developers provided that they do not work with or access the Highcharts API or the source code of the Licensed Software. If the developer owns an Internal License then this does not restrict enabling users to access the "Editor Mode" to modify, add, remove, move, or resize components in the created dashboards, provided that the parameters of interaction and modification of such components remain the same for all end users, and such actions do not require working with or accessing the API and/or source code of the Licensed Software.
Highcharts has several license options:
(Examples of what license you may require are available after the descriptions below).
Internal License
The Internal License includes the right to use Highcharts for a solution or application which is used for internal purposes only on your private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) and it is hosted on servers owned or controlled by the Licensee. You can use the Internal License if your application is not available to your customers/external users or as a public website. If you need to display data outside of your company on a publicly available web site, you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.
Additional Information
An Internal License authorizes the Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes only and extends to Licensee's employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. An Internal License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application, Web Application or a Licensee Product, nor does it authorize Licensee to perform Customer Installations.
SaaS License
In addition to everything included in the Internal License, the SaaS License includes the right to use Highcharts in only 1 SaaS or 1 Web application for generation of static and dynamic content on a publicly available web site.
Purchasing multiple Developer SaaS Licenses does not increase the number of applications licensed, just the number of developer seats for the One SaaS or Web application.
The SaaS License is assigned to a single application, you need to inform Highsoft of the name of your application before you can deploy your application.
SaaS+ License
The SaaS+ License includes the right to use Highcharts in up to 5 SaaS or Web applications only (either as 5 SaaS applications or 5 Web applications or a combination of both so long as the total number of applications does not exceed 5), in addition to everything included in the Internal License.
The SaaS+ License is assigned to up to 5 named applications, you need to inform Highsoft of the name(s) of your application before you can deploy your application.
Self Hosted
The SaaS and SaaS+ Licenses are for applications running on web server(s) hosted by you, and which can be distributed as a SaaS, web application, desktop application or mobile application. For customer installation where you need to distribute your product to your customers hosted servers you will need an OEM License.
Annual or Perpetual License
The Internal License, SaaS License and SaaS+ Licenses are available as either an Annual License or Perpetual License.
OEM License (Only available as Perpetual License)
You need an OEM license when you want to use the Highcharts software in a product that will be further distributed to - and hosted by - your customers. The OEM License is the most flexible license which can be customized to your needs. For pricing please contact us.
Note on Distribution: To comply with license requirements the name of the application(s) you develop need to be reported to Highsoft before they can be distributed.
Highcharts Advantage
All new licenses come with Highcharts Advantage. As long as you have an active Highcharts Advantage, you are entitled to all minor and major releases, in addition to access Highsoft's premium support offerings. For information about Advantage + please Contact us.
Free | Advantage | Advantage + | |
Overview | Receive help from the Highsoft developer community on GitHub, StackOverflow and Highcharts' Forums. | Includes access to all new releases, emergency hot fixes, chat support. | Double the support hours, faster response times and a dedicated support engineer. |
Support hours per seat | 1 hour | 10 hours | 20 hours |
All new releases | |||
Access to 1st line support | |||
Guaranteed initial response time | 36 hours | 17 hours | |
Access to 2nd line support by core developers | |||
Chat support | |||
Video Call Support | |||
Emergency hotfixes | |||
Guiding and advice on implementation | |||
Dedicated Support Engineer |
** Chat support is not offered for the Highcharts .NET, Highstock .NET, Highcharts iOS and Highcharts Android, or Highcharts Mobile Wrapper Licenses.
Important Note: As of version 10, the "Developer License" has been discontinued from Highsoft's product offering, in order to renew your Highcharts Advantage, please notify our sales teams to identify the applicable new license type that best meets your needs. Contact us for a quote to renew your Highcharts Advantage.