Highcharts .NET 授權

A license is required per developer working on the software.

HighCharts .NET Developer License:

  • Allows a specified number of developers to create interactive charts using the Highcharts API without the Javascript Language in an unlimited number of intranets (i.e., internal use), websites and mobile applications, and one (1) SaaS/web application.
  • The Developer License allows for Licensee to use the Software on a web project hosted on Licensee’s own server or servers where they are paying for the usage.
  • Is easily implemented in ASP.Net WebForms or MVC.
  • Follows the current major version of Highcharts JS.

Any and all developers working with the software will need a license. Quantity discounts are available for 5 or more developers.

All new licenses come with a full year of Advantage.
As long as you have an active Advantage, you are entitled to all minor and major releases, in addition to access of Highsoft's premium support offerings.

Standard Support if you have no active Advantage provides:

  • 1 hour of support per developer.
  • Access to the Highcharts Forum.
  • Access to 1st line support.
  • Guaranteed 36 hours response time, working days CET.

Premium Support is included with Advantage and provides:

  • 10 hours support per developer.
  • Updates to minor releases.
  • Updates to major releases.
  • Access to the Highcharts Forum.
  • Access to 1st line support.
  • Guaranteed 24 hours response time, working days CET.
  • Access to 2nd line support by core developers.
  • Chat support**.
  • Emergency hot fixes.
  • Guiding and advice on implementing Highcharts (with third party systems and platforms).

** Chat support is not offered for the Highcharts .NET, Highstock .NET, Highcharts iOS and Highcharts Android, or Highcharts Mobile Wrapper Licenses.

Advantage Renewals
To ensure access to the newest features and premium support offerings, you need an active Advantage subscription plan. Renewals are available after the initial Advantage term. Highsoft offer renewals for 12 and 24 months. Please contact us for multi-year options.


205.47 KB
9月 11, 2020



所有Highcharts .NET許可證都是當前版本的永久許可證,並附帶 12 或 24 個月優勢訂閱,其中包括高級支援,以及對新版本的訪問。當 Advantage 訂閱期結束時,您可以繼續使用軟體的許可版本。


可以 - 您可以額外購買開發人員許可證。


所有Highcharts .NET許可證均附帶 12 或 24 個月的優勢訂閱。這包括:

  • 每個開發人員 10 小時支援
  • 24 小時回應時間(歐洲中部時間工作日)
  • 維護/升級版本的更新
  • 緊急熱修復程式
  • 關於實施 Highcharts 的建議

當 Advantage 訂閱期結束時,您可以繼續使用軟體的許可版本,但只能獲取:

  • 一線支援
  • Highcharts 論壇
  • 36 小時回應時間(歐洲中部時間工作日)

可獲得 Advantage 續訂。

我的 Advantage 訂閱期結束後會發生什麼情況?

您可以選擇再購買 12 個月的 Advantage 訂閱續訂,或者繼續使用帶有標準支援級別的當前版本產品。

Highcharts .NET是否需要連線/離線啟動?

Highcharts .NET需要用串列金鑰啟動。這可以離線進行。


開發人員許可證不是私人的,按人員數而不是具體單個人算。您需要為每個使用該軟體的開發人員購買許可證,即Highcharts .NET5 個開發人員許可證允許最多 5 個開發人員處理Highcharts .NET。倘若第六位元開發人員將使用該軟體,您需要額外購買許可證。但是,倘若目前的 5 個開發人員中的一個離開公司並被替換,您購買的5 個開發人員許可證仍足夠使用。