PyCharm 新版本發表

Released: Apr 4, 2024

2024.1 中的更新


Hugging Face: Quick documentation preview for models and datasets

  • You can now get all the information about any Hugging Face models or datasets you're working with right inside PyCharm. Hover over a dataset or model name to view its description in a popup, or press F1 to open the Documentation tool window next to the editor.

Full line code completion for JavaScript and TypeScript

  • PyCharm 2023.3 brought local ML-powered full line code completion for Python code, and in this release, the range...

Released: Mar 21, 2024

2023.3.5 中的更新


  • The "Problems" tool window no longer displays outdated project errors that have already been resolved.
  • PyCharm now supports Docker 2.25, eliminating errors that occurred when attempting to create a Docker-compose interpreter with Docker 2.25.
  • Introduced a workaround to reduce the probability of IDE crashes after updating to Apple macOS Sonoma 14.4.
  • Fixed the issue causing erratic screen scaling on Linux.

Released: Feb 26, 2024

2023.3.4 中的更新


  • New AI Assistant functionality - Added the ability to generate Python type annotations for functions as well as getting Django views, admins, and serializers for models. Obtain a quick analysis of the data inside your DataFrame and convert Jupyter notebooks to scripts.
  • The Django Structure tool window - You can now navigate through your Django projects faster with the new features of the Django Structure tool window. Access or identify and register unregistered admins directly in...

Released: Jan 26, 2024

2023.3.3 中的更新


  • Visual diff for Jupyter notebooks - PyCharm now provides a diff view for Jupyter notebooks that renders cells with inputs as if you're looking through the actual notebook.
  • AI Assistant: Unit test generation - You can now use JetBrains AI Assistant to speed up your Python development with automated unit test generation for methods in classes.
  • Jupyter notebooks: Widget rendering - PyCharm displays interactive graphics for libraries such as Matplotlib, Bokeh, Plotly, pyecharts, and TensorBoard...

Released: Dec 20, 2023

2023.3.2 中的更新


  • PyCharm now correctly resolves <code>pytest_plugins</code> for pytest fixtures declaration.
  • The test runner now works fine with Django 5.0.
  • Fixed several issues that occurred when working with the HTTP Client.
  • Fixed the issue causing the IDE to display a blank window when opening a second project in full-screen mode on macOS.
  • When using borderless mode on Windows, the IDE once again correctly restores the position of a window that had previously been snapped to one side of the...

Released: Dec 12, 2023

2023.3.1 中的更新


  • Added the opportunity to check the access status for users with corporate IDE licenses from the AI Assistant tool window.


  • Fixed a bug preventing users from logging in to AI Assistant.

Released: Dec 6, 2023

2023.3 中的更新


AI Assistant Is Out of Preview [General Availability]

  • JetBrains AI Assistant is now generally available with a number of new and improved features to increase your productivity in JetBrains IDEs.
    • With AI Assistant, you get enhanced code generation directly within the editor, context-aware AI Chat that answers project-related queries without copying code, and project-aware AI Actions that provide more comprehensive results. To improve code change clarity, a new diff view has been integrated...

Released: Nov 14, 2023

2023.2.5 中的更新


  • Updating PyCharm Community 2023.2.2 -> 2023.2.3 via Toolbox = "PyCharm CE" is damaged and can't be opened.
  • Improved "Cannot connect to already running IDE instance" Exception: Process <process_id> is still running detection.

Released: Nov 1, 2023

2023.2.4 中的更新


  • Absolute directory paths in the Commit tool window no longer take up too much space as a result of redundantly replicating parent paths.
  • Addressed the issue that made it impossible to copy text from the local machine's editor and paste it into the editor on Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop.

Released: Oct 12, 2023

2023.2.3 中的更新


  • Formalization of f-strings - PyCharm will now adjust its inspections to allow reusing quotes, line breaks, escape sequences, and comments inside f-strings for Python 3.12. Existing intention actions for string literals, such as converting between various quote types, now work in accordance with the new syntax.


  • The IDE now displays only one Kubernetes context by default, and contexts can be added and removed as needed. This prevents the IDE from freezing due to unnecessary refreshing of...