Stimulsoft Reports.JS 新版本發表
Released: Nov 4, 2021
2021.4.3 中的更新
- Fixed a bug related to drawing "Labels" on a "Funnel" chart.
- Fixed a bug related to copying components from one toolbar of the browser with a report designer to another.
- Fixed the positioning of labels for "Pie" charts in reports and dashboards.
- Fixed a bug related to clicking on the "Print" button when viewing reports and dashboards in the Safari browser.
- Fixed the issue with the "Axis Label Color" property of the chart style for the Radar series.
- Fixed the error with the line for "Outside...
Released: Oct 25, 2021
2021.4.2 中的更新
- Fixed the error which occurred when using the "Color for Each" feature in the "Gantt" and "Range Bar" report charts.
- Fixed a problem with editable fields. Incorrect highlighting of editable fields when editing them in preview.
- There have been some system errors related to require.
Released: Oct 4, 2021
2021.4 中的更新
- Added mouse events for JavaScript table and div modes.
- Added support for animating chart transition from one value to another, including when changing filter values on a dashboard.
- Added the ability to move report and dashboard components using the Ctrl and the cursor keys.
- Added duplicate command to designer dictionary context menu. This command is available for connections, data sources, data relations, variables and resources.
- Added the ability to specify an icon for the report template...
Released: Aug 17, 2021
2021.3.7 中的更新
- Updated the algorithm for processing duplicate variable values.
- Fixed a problem with displaying borders for the "Gauge" component in reports.
- Fixed a bug with the location of controls on the search bar when the "Right to Left" mode is enabled.
- Fixed a bug related to the same page height and padding.
- Fixed a problem which occurred when exporting a report to the PDF file related to the processing of the "Prevent Intersection" property for chart titles.
- Fixed the error of displaying the...
Released: Jul 23, 2021
2021.3.6 中的更新
- Reporting engine added support for TrimStart, TrimEnd, PadLeft and PadRight methods for string types.
- Fixed the error with processing the value of the "Reverse Horizontal" property for bar charts.
- In the "Dot-Matrix" report view mode, the error of text right alignment has been fixed.
- Fixed a bug related to custom styles for the "Gauge" component and element.
- Fixed a bug with sorting data in a report by an expression that contains a function or a calculated data column.
Released: Jul 9, 2021
2021.3.5 中的更新
- Added the ability to copy components from one browser tab to another.
- A problem related to resetting the date and the same aliases in variables has been fixed.
- An error related to processing SQL queries for Node.js data adapters has been fixed.
- Some problems related to custom data adapters have been fixed.
- The error related to the processing of DateTime for reports and dashboards has been fixed.
- Some problems when using JS components for the Angular platform have been fixed.
Released: Jun 24, 2021
2021.3.4 中的更新
- When exporting a report to HTML format, Gradient/Glare brushes are now passed as native elements.
- Fixed the error with processing the "Map" component in online mode, when it is placed on the "Data Band".
- Fixed the error in processing the "Cross-Tab" component when it is placed on the "Data Band".
- A bug with collapsing and expanding hierarchical lists in reports has been fixed.
- Some issues related to the preview settings of reports and dashboards have been fixed.
Released: Jun 11, 2021
2021.3.3 中的更新
- Added the ability to support custom values for the "Check Box" component.
- Added the ability to print on even and odd pages of the "Page Footer" band.
- Fixed the error in the "Process At" property for text report components.
- When exporting a report to Microsoft Excel, the error in processing filters for bands has been fixed.
- Fixed a bug with double applying the "Line Spacing" property when the "Allow Html Tags" option is enabled for text report components.
- Fixed an issue related to...
Released: May 28, 2021
2021.3.2 中的更新
- When exporting a report to PDF, the error of text encoding for some fonts is fixed.
- A bug with date format for variables is fixed.
- An issue using the SumDistinct function in reports.
- The error processing some date formats in reports and dashboards is fixed.
- The error exporting the "Progress" element to the HTML file is fixed.
Released: May 17, 2021
2021.3 中的更新
- Added the ability to sort items in the data dictionary.
- Added the ability to print some bands on odd and even pages.
- Added the ability to set default values for variables of the "List" type.
- Added a map of Afghanistan for the "Map" component in reports and the "Region Map" element in dashboards.
- Added animation for displaying Stacked Area and Full Stacked Area charts.
- The "format" argument in the onEmailReport event now returns the Enum export type instead of its name. The name is passed in...