Stimulsoft Reports.JS 新版本發表
Released: Mar 16, 2021
2021.2 中的更新
- Mathematical formulas - You can now insert math formulas in your reports. You can also specify formulas using LaTeX syntax.
- New data adapters - Microsoft Azure SQL and Azure Blob Storage - Added new adapters to fetch data from services such as Azure SQL and Azure Blob Storage.
- New variable features:
- You can now customize the globalization of variable elements.
- When creating or editing a variable with the Request from User option enabled, you can now specify the sort sequence of variable...
Released: Jan 15, 2021
2021.1.1 中的更新
- Added the ability to configure restrictions for a specific variable.
- Added the ability to use expressions when conditionally formatting the Chart element on the dashboard.
- Added the ability to use predefined styles when conditionally formatting report components.
- Improved the ability for Node.js to specify header and "crypt" command when using remote URL in data adapter.
- The new component - Table of Contents - This component will help you create an interactive table of contents for your...
Released: Nov 26, 2020
2020.5.2 中的更新
- Added the ability to encrypt server data adapter requests.
- Added support for the new ZUGFeRD v2.1 format specification when exporting a report to PDF.
- Added support for multiple trendlines for the "Chart" component.
- Updated editor for creating OData data connections.
- Improved and simplified conditional formatting editor for dashboard elements.
- Fixed the error in processing and saving online maps when exporting a report to an MDC file.
- Some bugs with online map in reports have been fixed...
Released: Oct 28, 2020
2020.5.1 中的更新
- Expressions in properties - You can now use expressions as values for some report component and dashboard properties. Depending on the expression calculation result, the component property will be set to a specific value. By using expressions as a property value, you can customize the printing of a component, the style of its content, and more.
- Sharing reports on Facebook and Twitter - Added the Share command so that you can now publish reports directly to a social network.
Released: Sep 11, 2020
2020.4.2 中的更新
- Added a new Box and Whisker chart.
- Improved optimization of the SVG export for the Chart element.
- Fixed an issue with how the Watermark expression works.
- Fixed an issue where the culture character for the group separator in numbers was not taken into account.
- Fixed an issue with the DateTime parse in milliseconds.
- Fixed an issue with range axis for Radar series.
- Fixed an issue with drawing a constant line if the width is greater than 1.
- Fixed an issue with drawing Icons Chart in exports...
Released: Aug 7, 2020
2020.4.1 中的更新
- Sparklines in reports - In this release Sparklines can now be used as a data visualization component in reports. You can add a component to a report page or a Data band, specify a data column, and select a type. Data values can be displayed as Line, Area, Column, or Win/Loss.
- Viewing data for elements - Now you can view data from the current dashboard element directly in the viewer.
- Viewing a dashboard query - When designing a dashboard using multiple data sources, you can view a virtual data...
Released: Jun 19, 2020
2020.3.2 中的更新
- Added new AddOpentypeFont multi-path option.
- Replaced icons on web viewer and designer.
- External URL for sub reports and drill-down.
- Disable log on try-parse in DateTime.
Released: Jun 11, 2020
2020.3.1 中的更新
- Added Groups to New DataSource form.
- Added option that manages data from a previous report in the new one.
- Added new system variables: Line, LineABC and LineRoman.
- Added support for xs:schema in XML files.
- Added SSL parameter to connection string for PostgreSQL.
- Added the ability to add variables to the connection string for OData.
- Added the ability to load/save styles from code.
- Embed all data in resources in the Publish wizard.
- Added Histogram chart.
- Added new map: Asia.
- Improved Viewer...
Released: Apr 28, 2020
2020.2.3 中的更新
- Trend lines for charts.
- Added Ctrl+S hotkey to the designer.
Released: Mar 16, 2020
2020.2.2 中的更新
- Added custom Map Editor.
- Added onBeginProcessData event for OData.
- Added sunburst charts.
- Added new option - showRefreshButton - in the viewer.
- Added new property - Stimulsoft.Report.Components.StiText.defaultFont.
- Added new functionality - report.getFonts().
- Show report properties by groups.
- The Connections form was redesigned.
- Work with the dictionary with cursor keys.
- Redesigned maps menu in the designer.
- Disabled pages now displayed in grey in the designer.