TeeChart for .NET Pro Edition

TeeChart for .NET offers charting controls for a myriad of charting requirements including important vertical areas such as financial, scientific and statistical. It handles your data, creating informative and attractive charts, seamlessly across a variety of platforms including Windows Forms, WPF, ASP.NET with HTML5/Javascript rendering, Universal Windows Platform (UWP) and Blazor. TeeChart for .NET C# code may be reused with Steema's mobile TeeChart products for Xamarin to reach Android, iOS and UWP directly or via Xamarin's Forms PCL platform. TeeChart for .NET source code is available as an option.

Your product is one of the most exceptional items I have ever purchased. Powerful, easy to use and fast.

David Schneider, Head of Research & Risk Management, UniSuper Management

Chart Types
TeeChart for .NET includes 60+ chart types and variations. From the commonly used Line, Bar, Area, Pie to those more “field-specific charts” such as Candlestick, Open-High-Low-Close, Kagi and Contour. Includes:

  • Standard: Line (Strip), Bar, Area, Pie, Fast Line, Point (Scatter), Bubble, Arrow, Gantt, Shape, Horiz.Area, Horiz.Bar, Horiz.Line, Pointer style Hexagon.
  • Financial: Candle (OHLC), Darvas, Kagi, Renko, Point and Figure, Volume, EquiVolume.
  • Statistical: Box-Plot, Color Grid...


更新了 TeeChart for .NET
更新了 TeeChart for .NET
July 11, 2023新版本
更新了 TeeChart for .NET
更新了 TeeChart for .NET
November 28, 2022新版本
添加對 Microsoft .NET 7 的支援。
TeeChart for .NET Pro Edition 2022 (Build 4.2022.5.16)
TeeChart for .NET Pro Edition 2022 (Build 4.2022.5.16)
May 19, 2022新版本
您現在可以將 Scroll/Zoom 實例添加到 TeeChart.Xaml.WPF 命名空間。
TeeChart for .NET Pro Edition 2021 (Build 4.2021.11.22)
TeeChart for .NET Pro Edition 2021 (Build 4.2021.11.22)
November 24, 2021新版本
改進了 Kagi 和 Renko 系列的滑鼠點按處理事件。
TeeChart for .NET Pro Edition 2021 (Build 4.2021.11.16)
TeeChart for .NET Pro Edition 2021 (Build 4.2021.11.16)
November 18, 2021新版本
添加對 Microsoft .NET 6.0 的支援。
TeeChart for .NET Pro Edition 2021 (Build 4.2021.11.2)
TeeChart for .NET Pro Edition 2021 (Build 4.2021.11.2)
November 4, 2021新版本
改進了 Kagi 和 Renko 系列的滑鼠點按處理事件。

價格從: $ 635.04

Developer License: One software license is required per machine。 Run-time royalty free。 Includes 1 Year Subscription for minor and major updates and upgrades。 Web Server License: A TeeChart Web Server...

TeeChart for .NET Pro Edition 也以___提供︰


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Steema Software
作為官方授權的代理商,ComponentSource 可為您提供Steema Software的正版授權。
Component Type
  • .NET WinForms Controls
  • ASP.NET Controls
  • ASP.NET MVC Controls
  • ASP.NET Core Assembly
  • .NET Core Assembly
  • .NET Classes
  • WPF Controls
  • .NET CF Controls
  • UWP Controls
  • Windows Phone Controls
  • JavaScript
  • Blazor Controls




平均審查評分:  5 (2)

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2 星
1 星


Wim 意大利5 星

The update from a rather old previous version of this component was without issues. We can finally use the zoom-in history.

