Gauges Types.

Financial and Statistical Functions.

Many Chart Types.

TeeChart Pro ActiveX - IClockGaugeSeries

Donut Pie ChartDonut Chart draws points very similar to Pie Chart with a middle hole. The hole dimensions can be configured as percent of circle radius.

Point and Line ChartLine plotting data values trend over time.

Multi Pies ChartExample of several Pie series within a Chart.

Scroller PagerCreates a SubChart showing a scrollable overview of a large dataset.

Stacked Bar ChartStacked Bar chart used to represent marketing data over time.

Area ChartThe Area style allows single or multiple areas. This is an example of 2D Area Chart with two data sets displaying the trend of values using transparency attribute.

Pie ChartPie series draw values as portions (slices) of a full solid circle. Custom options include formatting, shadow, marks and semi-pie styles.

Line ChartPlotting data over a period of time on basic Line Chart.

Project PlannerProject Planner Chart.

Server Status MonitoringServer Status Monitoring.

Stock MonitoringStock Monitoring.

Bubbles ChartDisplaying a Bubble Chart with variable size circular symbols to represent data.

InfoGraphicInfoGraphic example created with donut and horizontal bar charts.

Wind-Rose ChartWind-Rose series is a polar chart showing geographical coordinates around the circle. The graphical display may include more than one series at the same time, each one with specific properties.

DataGrid Chart toolExample of Cylinder Chart including a grid with Series data values. The Datagrid is a Chart tool independent of Series Type.

Bubbles and Gantt StylesDisplaying a Bubble Chart with variable size circular symbols to represent data.

Donut ChartBasic 2D Donut Chart display.

Circular GaugeCircular Gauge provides a fully configurable and quick drawing circular gauge style.

Areas and Points ChartArea Chart show trend over time.

Surface ChartSurface plot after customization. Includes many properties to enhance the surface chart; color palette, border, pattern, null values, wire-frame, dots, surface sides, marks, gradients, inverted axes, etc.

Subtract function ChartThe Subtract function uses more than one series as data source. It calculates for each point the difference between the last and first series.

Financial A.D.X IndicatorTeeChart offers many indicators specifically designed to track financial data. This is a sample of the A.D.X ( Average Directional Change ) function on Chart. Uses a OHLC ( Candle ) series as datasource and plots 3 lines: DMI+ , ADX and DMI-.

Financial MACD ChartSample financial chart created using the MACD function (Moving Average Convergence Divergence).

TeeChart for ActiveX in VBUsing TeeChart for ActiveX in Visual Studio .NET using Visual Basic.

TeeChart for ActiveX in VC++Using TeeChart for ActiveX in Visual Studio .NET using Visual C++.

TeeChart for ActiveX in C#Using TeeChart for ActiveX in Visual Studio .NET using C#.

TeeChart for ActiveX in MS OfficeUsing TeeChart for ActiveX in Microsoft Office. TeeChart may be coded using VBA.

Bar ChartThe Bar style allows single or multiple bars with different layouts ( 3D, side-to-side, side-all, stacked, stacked 100% ). This is a basic 2D Bar series example with vertical orientation.