DevExpress Document Server 16.1.8

Adds Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 RC support.
November 18, 2016
New Version


  • Adds Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 RC support.


Rich Edit Document Server

  • Formatting is lost when updating a DocVariable that contains multi-line text.


  • A document layout is broken for specific documents containing tables.
  • SnapDockManager is not assigned to BarManager's DocumentManager when generating SnapControl bars at design time.
  • The Undo and Redo commands incorrectly raise the FinishHeaderFooterEditing event.
  • System.InvalidOperationException is thrown when a non-sortable column is selected in the 'Mail Merge Sort' dialog.
  • A bookmark created for the SNTEXT field range does not contain a field result in a generated Mail-Merge document.
  • The Sort dialog does not reflect fields' display names specified using IDisplayNameProvider.
  • The 'Sort' dialog doesn't add a sort rule in mail merge mode with the nested data source.

Spreadsheet Document Server

  • The file extension is not updated in the footer when the ExportToPdf method is invoked.
DevExpress Document Server

DevExpress Office File API

Read and write Excel and Word files, create and edit PDF documents, generate barcodes and compressed archives.

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