Syncro Soft

Syncro Soft, a privately held software company founded in 1998, specializes in XML technologies and single-source publishing.

The company is renowned for developing the industry-leading Oxygen XML suite, empowering organizations of all sizes - from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies, universities, government agencies, and international organizations. Oxygen XML tools streamline the process of authoring, publishing in multiple formats, team collaboration, and content management, offering a...

Latest News

Validate Entire Projects Within Your Workspace
Validate Entire Projects Within Your Workspace
October 15, 2024Product Update
Oxygen Content Fusion V7.1 adds the ability to validate your entire DITA project, helping you to ensure content integrity and consistency.
Improve User Experience with a New AI Chatbot
Improve User Experience with a New AI Chatbot
September 24, 2024Product Update
Oxygen Feedback V5.0 now includes an AI chatbot that can quickly and accurately answer users' questions using the information on your website.
Provide Quick Access to Useful AI Actions
Provide Quick Access to Useful AI Actions
September 17, 2024Product Update
Oxygen AI Positron Assistant Enterprise V3.0 adds a new drop-down widget, allowing users to quickly improve the structure of their documents.
Easily Edit Multiple Files with Authoring Workspace
Easily Edit Multiple Files with Authoring Workspace
July 19, 2024Product Update
Oxygen Content Fusion V7.0 lets users make changes across multiple files simultaneously and commit them to the project's default branch.
Unleash the Power of AI for Clearer Code
Unleash the Power of AI for Clearer Code
June 20, 2024Product Update
Oxygen AI Positron Assistant Enterprise V2.1 unlocks the meaning behind your code with automatic explanations for XSLT, Schematron and XSD.

Partnership Status

Corporate Partner
As official and authorized distributors since 2008, ComponentSource supplies you with legitimate licenses directly from Syncro Soft.

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