Assisted Purchasing
Dedicated personal support from your initial inquiry to your post-sales needs. We believe in building relationships.
Our direct agreements with each publisher ensure a prompt and accurate delivery of quotes and orders through our fast-track service.
Our worldwide agreements with 200+ publishers allow us to license your customers in any export compliant country.
We specialize in software components and developer tools only. With over 28 years' experience, we now serve 1.2 million registered users globally.
As specialists, we understand how to handle complex licensing needs including license co-term, assignment and transfer.
We verify your customers entitlement for upgrades, subscription renewals and volume discounts to guarantee accurate pricing.
We are authorized to license previous versions, critical for maintaining applications already in service.
Software Publishers
Countries Served
Years in Business
Licenses Delivered
Registered Resellers
Dedicated personal support from your initial inquiry to your post-sales needs. We believe in building relationships.
We offer great discounts specifically tailored for each order, ensuring you remain competitive.
Our independent Product Comparisons help you compare features, pricing and licensing to make an informed decision.
Flexible payment options to suit your needs with minimal delay to the purchase process.
Useful reminders for product releases, subscriptions or maintenance renewals, tailored to you.
A full refund within 30 days, with no re-stocking fees, if your customer is not 100% happy with the purchase.
ComponentSource offers products from 200+ software publishers specializing in Application Development & Operations.