Rebex Terminal Emulation R5.1

Improves Chacha20/Poly1305 implementation in SSH and TLS.
March 5, 2021
New Version


  • All: Changed release naming scheme ('R5.1' instead of '2020 R5.1').
  • Networking: More meaningful exception is throw when attempting to use HTTP CONNECT proxy with NTLM authentication on platforms that don't support it.
  • Networking: Optimized timeout infrastructure in ProxySocket.Connect.
  • TLS Core: Added VerifyMessage signature algorithm logging in TLS 1.3.
  • TLS Core: Close/Dispose method called on TLS 1.3 socket ensures that all outstanding IO operations are canceled before the control is returned to the caller.
  • TLS Core: Synchronous methods on TlsSocket wrap TaskCanceledException to TlsException.
  • Cryptography: Enhanced implicit operator for conversion of Certificate->X509Certificate2 to retain private keys on non-Microsoft Windows platforms as well.
  • Cryptography: Optimized memory usage in symmetric encryption transformations based on Windows CNG API.
  • Cryptography: Substantial speed-up of Chacha20/Poly1305 (used in SSH and TLS). Utilizing AVX2 or Advanced NEON SIMD on Microsoft .NET 5.0 (if available).
  • Common: Accelerated common byte array operations in .NET 5.0 on devices with AVX2 support.
Rebex Terminal Emulation

Rebex SSH Shell for .NET

SSH shell, tunneling, telnet, ANSI terminal emulation library for .NET.

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