JetBrains Academy for Organizations updated

Adds 2 new tracks: 'Machine Learning Algorithms From Scratch' and 'Spring Security for Java Backend Developers'.
October 27, 2022
New Version


  • Added new track - Machine Learning Algorithms From Scratch.
    • The “Machine Learning Algorithms From Scratch” track will introduce you to the math, computer science, and data science essentials, giving you an overview of fundamental Python constructs. You will get a chance to familiarize yourself with the most common machine learning algorithms and master them by completing projects. In particular, you will:
      • Cover ML math topics, including statistics and probability.
      • Learn about Python libraries, including pandas and NumPy.
      • Study the basics of supervised and unsupervised learning.
      • Explore common algorithms and evaluation metrics for regression and classification problems.
    • This new track covers 200 educational topics adapted to your current level and 11 real-world projects to discover how ML algorithms work, for example:
      • Decision Tree with Pen and Paper - Decision trees are a popular machine learning algorithm that resembles the human decision-making process. It is a versatile tool that can be used to solve both regression and classification problems. By completing this project, you will build two simple models with the Gini index and information gain, and make predictions for the new samples.
      • Logistic Regression from Scratch - Logistic regression is a common classification algorithm that is used to predict the probability of a categorical dependent variable. In this project, you will learn the math behind the algorithm and build a custom binary classifier. The goal of this project is to implement a gradient descent for two different cost functions, devise a method of predicting the probability that a given sample belongs to a certain class, and analyze training errors. Last but not least, you’ll put your models to the test on a real dataset.
  • Added new track - Spring Security for Java Backend Developers.
    • This track is perfect for learners who already have some experience with Java and know the basics of Spring. During this track, you will:
      • Improve your knowledge of modern database technology.
      • Learn to apply authentication, authorization, and other Spring Security technologies.
      • Get acquainted with various development tools used for providing information security.
      • Acquire essential backend developer skills.
    • This track features more than 200 educational topics and 13 real-world projects to teach you all you need to know about Spring Security, for example:
      • Recipes - Create a multi-user web service with Spring Boot that allows storing, retrieving, updating, and deleting recipes. You will delve into the backend development and use Spring Boot to complete this project. You will also learn about JSON, REST API, Spring Boot Security, H2 database, LocalDateTime, Project Lombok, and other concepts useful for backend development.
      • HyperDarts - This project will guide you through implementing the service backend with Spring Boot. You will get acquainted with the authentication and authorization with OAuth, learn about access tokens (JWT), and create a backend for the online darts service.
      • Account Service - Get to know the fundamentals of fraud detection and rule-based systems while developing a RESTful web service using Spring Boot. Define the role model, work on the business logic, and ensure the security of your service.
JetBrains Academy for Organizations

JetBrains Academy for Organizations

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