B4A (Android)

Powerful rapid application development (RAD) tool for developing Android applications.

Published by Anywhere Software
Distributed by ComponentSource since 2013

Version: v10.5 Updated: Jan 4, 2021 4.50 Star Average Review4.50 Star Average Review4.50 Star Average Review4.50 Star Average Review4.50 Star Average Review (4)


Please note: As of February 5th, 2020, B4A is now free and is no longer available for sale.

B4A (Android) v8.0

Released: Mar 20, 2018

Updates in v8.0


All apps will soon need to target sdk version 26 (Android 8). This is a new policy of Google and it has many consequences for app developers. Many of the improvements in B4A v8.0 help developers with this task.

  • The process of starting the app from the background was rewritten to comply with targetSdkVersion 26 requirements.
  • Push notifications and other features that cause apps to start from the background should be more reliable due to changes in the way services are started. A wake lock is automatically held when a receiver receives an intent. The wake lock is released when the service starts.
  • Automatic foreground mode: When needed services automatically start in foreground mode.
  • Notification object rewritten to work with targetSdkVersion 26.
  • Notification.SetInfo / SetInfo2 accept CharSequences so it can work with CSBuilder.
  • StartServiceAt / StartServiceAtExact rewritten to work with targetSdkVersion 26 and are now more reliable.
  • Notification.Initialize2 - Allows setting the notification channel importance level.
  • Better support for AAR libraries: jni folders (native libraries) are handled properly, assets and resources from internal jars are added to the project.
  • #AdditionalJar with ReferenceOnly - Allows referencing jars that are only used as a reference during compilation. This is required for more complex libraries such as DJI library.
  • Signing key size is explicitly set to avoid issues with newer versions of Java.
  • Screenshot tool modified to work with latest versions of Android SDK.
  • MediaPlayer.IsInitialzied method.
  • Manifest editor macros - Macros can be added to libraries or zip files.
  • Custom class templates - Class templates can be added to libraries.
  • Libraries can include multiple templates and any library can include templates.
  • #SignKeyAlias attribute - Allows overriding the default signing key alias.
  • Firebase, xCustomListView and KeyValueStore (2) are internal libraries.
  • Added Libraries deprecation messages in the IDE.
  • BADoclet (tool to generate libraries XML) v1.07 - adds support for custom class templates.


  • B4A Sdk Manager v3.25 - Bug fixes and support for Google based AVDs.
  • Fix for an issue where the activity code could have been executed while the activity is paused which leads to a hard to reproduce NullPointerException.
  • Other bug fixes and minor improvements.